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Each question below is linked to a summary PDF file approximately 10kb in size.

Fire Protection Bonds
Shall the City of Albuquerque issue $6,039,565 of its general obligation bonds to design, construct, equip, landscape, renovate, rehabilitate, recondition, furnish, enhance, and otherwise improve, and to acquire land and vehicles for, municipal fire department facilities, equipment, and apparatus?

Senior, Family and Community Center Bonds
Shall the City of Albuquerque issue $9,505,926 of its general obligation bonds to design, develop, construct, equip, renovate, rehabilitate, expand, repair, study, landscape, enhance, and otherwise improve, and to acquire land for, City-owned community centers including those for families, youth and senior citizens?

Police Bonds
Shall the City of Albuquerque issue $8,585,360 of its general obligation bonds to design, construct, renovate, rehabilitate, recondition, equip, landscape, furnish, enhance, and otherwise improve, and to acquire land and police vehicles for, municipal police department facilities?

Parks and Recreation Bonds
Shall the City of Albuquerque issue $32,548,197 of its general obligation bonds to design, develop, construct, rehabilitate, renovate, expand, furnish, landscape, study, protect, enhance, and otherwise improve, and to acquire land, vehicles and equipment for, park & recreational facilities, including public parks, swimming pools, open space, medians, bikeways, the bosque and trails?

Public Facilities, Equipment and System Modernization Bonds
Shall the City of Albuquerque issue $14,247,984 of its general obligation bonds to equip, improve, acquire, design, survey, develop, construct, rehabilitate, renovate, modernize, maintain, expand, enhance, upgrade, and otherwise improve public buildings, facilities and systems?

Library Bonds
Shall the City of Albuquerque issue $3,756,081 of its general obligation bonds to design, construct, renovate, rehabilitate, automate, upgrade, landscape, and otherwise improve, and to acquire books, media and equipment for, public libraries?

Street Bonds
Shall the City of Albuquerque issue $52,377,493 of its general obligation bonds to study, design, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, renovate, sign, enhance, landscape, and otherwise improve, and to acquire land and equipment for, municipal streets, trails, bikeways, walkways, sidewalks, railroad crossings and bridges?

Public Transportation Bonds
Shall the City of Albuquerque issue $6,443,100 of its general obligation bonds to design, develop, construct, rehabilitate, renovate, study, enhance, and otherwise improve, and to acquire land, vehicles and equipment for public transportation facilities?

Storm Sewer System Bonds
Shall the City of Albuquerque issue $11,576,370 of its general obligation bonds to design, construct, rehabilitate, renovate, expand, enhance, monitor, and otherwise improve, and to acquire land for, the storm sewer system?

Zoo, Biological Park and Museum Bonds
Shall the City of Albuquerque issue $12,758,384 of its general obligation bonds to design, develop, construct, rehabilitate, renovate, repair, refurbish, expand, enhance, and otherwise improve, and acquire exhibits, furniture and equipment for the municipal zoo, botanic garden, aquarium and museums?

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