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At Work

work recycleEnergy-efficiency, waste reduction, and water conservation are not only good for the environment, but are also good for your company's bottom line.

3 Things You Can Do:

  1. Switch from traditional plastic utensils to compostable plastics.
  2. Purchase clean, renewable energy like wind power from PNM's Sky Blue program.
  3. Establish a recycling program.


Sustainability - Take ActionMotivated to do more?

Here's a full list of actions you can take to promote a sustainable life in Albuquerque:

Action Benefits


Energy Supply
Air Quality
Greenhouse Gas
Emission Reduction
Waste Reduction Water Supply
and Quality
Land and Wildlife
If you work in the food service industry, switch from traditionally plastic utensils to compostable, renewable plastics. Read more >>     Sustainability - Global Warming Sustainability - Waste Reduction Sustainability - Water Sustainability - Land and Wildlife
Encourage your employer to purchase clean, renewable power like wind power from PNM's Sky Blue program. Sustainability -- Alternative Energy Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming      
Establish a recycling program in your workplace. NM Recycle has created a document to help you.            
Replace your T-12 fluorescent lamps with more energy-efficient T-8 and T-5 lamps. The EPA offers a tax deduction to companies that upgrade to efficient lighting. Read more >> Sustainability -- Alternative Energy   Sustainability - Global Warming      
Print double-sided. Use your printer's double-side or duplex printing feature so that you use both sides of the paper.     Sustainability - Global Warming     Sustainability - Land and Wildlife
Print draft documents on scratch paper.           Sustainability - Land and Wildlife
Reuse large envelopes by covering addresses and shipping labels with your own address labels.           Sustainability - Land and Wildlife
Use recycled printer paper. People used to think that recycled paper was not good enough for office use, but recent studies have shown that it is just fine. Read more >> Sustainability -- Alternative Energy Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming Sustainability - Waste Reduction Sustainability - Water Sustainability - Land and Wildlife
Use reflectors to boost the ouput of fluorescent lighting. Read more >> Sustainability -- Alternative Energy Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming      
Use Energy-Star rated compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) or light-emitting diode (LED) exit signs. Read more >> Sustainability -- Alternative Energy Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming      
Install occupancy sensors to automatically turn lights off in areas that are often unoccupied, like storerooms, restrooms, and conference rooms. Read more >> Sustainability -- Alternative Energy Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming      
Recycle used toner cartridges from your office's printers and copiers. Read more >>       Sustainability - Waste Reduction    
Replace standard lightbulbs with compact flourescent lightbulbs, which use 1/4 the energy and last much longer. Learn more >> Sustainability -- Alternative Energy Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming      
Replace your office’s exterior incandescent lighting with compact fluorescent lighting, and put the lighting system on a photocell controller so that the lights come on when it starts to get dark rather than at a preset time like 5 or 6 pm. Sustainability -- Alternative Energy Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming      
Use your computer's "power down" or "sleep" function. Learn more >> Sustainability -- Alternative Energy Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming      
Purchase only Energy Star rated computers, printers, copiers, and appliances. Read more >> Sustainability -- Alternative Energy Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming   Sustainability - Water  
Encourage employees to carpoolride the bus, walk, and bike to work. Learn more >> Sustainability -- Alternative Energy Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming      
Encourage your janitorial service to use only environmentally responsible cleaning products.       Sustainability - Waste Reduction Sustainability - Water  
Replace part of your vehicle fleet with alternative fuel vehicles. Sustainability -- Alternative Energy Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming      
Establish a "Green Team" in your workplace, made up of volunteer employees. This group can organize and focus recycling, energy efficiency, and waste reduction efforts. Sustainability -- Alternative Energy Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming Sustainability - Waste Reduction Sustainability - Water Sustainability - Land and Wildlife

Did You Know?

Energy StarEnergy Star is a government program that certifies the energy-efficiency of products and practices.

Learn More

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