Press Room


January 16, 2002


For the past four months the United States's war on terrorism has dominated the national media and the hearts and minds of both Americans and our friends abroad. Although we remain dedicated and focused on our goal of wiping out al Qaida and their associates, we cannot forget that there are other enemies who pose a very real threat to our country's security and well being. These enemies are plotting ways to infiltrate our financial system with criminal proceeds while enabling those who smuggle drugs into this country to benefit financially from their illegal actions.

Today we send a clear message to both the criminals who perpetrate illegal acts and the white collar professionals that craft various schemes to hide the tainted money - if you think the United States will look the other way, you are wrong. I testified during my confirmation hearing that money laundering would be one of my top priorities while at the Treasury Department. I meant that last May and I mean it today. I applaud Commissioner Bonner and the Custom Service's commitment to this goal as well. Operation Wirecutter is an example of how close international partnership, tight interagency coordination, and a mutual commitment to shutting down the financial infrastructure that makes these criminal acts profitable, can result in a successful law enforcement action.

I also want to take the opportunity on behalf of Secretary O'Neill to thank our friends in the Colombian government for their assistance and cooperation. This type of joint international effort is truly remarkable. I believe that partnering with our law enforcement counterparts abroad is a key tool in cracking down on those who seek to use the international banking system for corrupt purposes. It is my hope that other joint international law enforcement ventures will follow today's model. Thank you for the dedication and diligence that you and your government brought to Operation Wirecutter.