United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) in New Jersey

NRCS accepts applications for all of our conservation programs throughout the year, but establishes funding periods to facilitate application review and contract development.

The information presented below is based on program rules developed under the 2002 Farm Bill. With passage of the 2008 Farm Bill in May, statutory language changes mean new program rules need to be written by the Department. These rule changes may impact how New Jersey implements this program. The 2009 program information will be updated after consultation with the State Technical Committee once the new rules are approved for use and prior to any 2009 funding decisions. All applicants will have ample opportunity to review the rule changes and contract terms and will be required to comply with all applicable rules and requirements in place at the time of contract obligation.

Environmental Quality Inventives Program: Photo of NRCS District Conservationist and farmerEQIP is a voluntary conservation program administered by USDA-NRCS and funded through the Farm Bill.  Through EQIP, farmers may receive financial and technical help with structural and management conservation practices that address soil, water, air, forestry, grazing and animal waste issues on agricultural land.

The following document requires  Adobe Acrobat
Fact Sheet - 2009 Environmental Quality Incentives Program in New Jersey (161 KB) updated

Contact:  Janice Reid, Assistant State Conservationist, EQIP Program Manager
Phone: 732-537-6042
Email: Janice Reid


Last Modified: August 19, 2008