Bar Sign
Murder rate cut in half when bars close early
Researchers estimate more than 200 lives have been saved
After years of staying open around the clock, nightclubs and bars began closing at 11 p.m. and in just two years, homicides in this Brazilian town outside of Sao Paolo dropped from an average of 22 a month to 12. This new study examines the changes that affected the decline in murders as well as other alcohol-control policies.


Color Bottles
Cultural stereotypes hinder Latino access to care
Drug, alcohol abuse treatment providers show bias toward Hispanics
A new study found behavioral health care providers need to better understand their own cultural stereotypes regarding Hispanics in order to improve access to care for Latino youth. Researchers interviewed mental health care clinicians and found providers' views of culture can affect the provision of services.


Engaged residents reduce alcohol-related crime in neighborhoods Engaged residents reduce alcohol-related crime in neighborhoods
Community involvement with enforcement efforts leads to drop in assaults, DUIs
When bars and liquor stores changed their alcohol sales and service practices, alcohol-involved problems dropped substantially. This was with the backing of community groups and law enforcement. A new study highlights the success of this program in Sacramento in two low-income, ethnic minority communities with high rates of crime.


Think twice before hosting underage drinking house party Parents: Think twice before hosting underage drinking house party
Towns across the country pass laws holding adults accountable for teen drinking
Out-of-control teen house parties may become a thing of the past as communities enact social host ordinances that enable law enforcement to fine parents and other adults up to $2,500 in some instances for underage drinking on their property.


Treatment or lock-up for pregnant women who abuse alcohol? Treatment or lock-up for pregnant women who abuse alcohol?
Women legislators tend to favor treatment
A new study found states with few women lawmakers are more likely to adopt punitive laws for pregnant women who abuse alcohol. This scenario can have harmful long-term effects not only for the would-be mother, but the fetuses these laws are trying to protect.  


Blacks HIV/AIDS Blacks at greater risk for HIV/AIDS
Even with safe-sex practices risk higher than whites
New study of 8,000 young people found blacks between 18-26 years old, despite having fewer sex partners and engaging in safe behaviors are seven times more likely to be infected with an STD than whites with the same behaviors. 


sex for money New teen risk behavior uncovered
Teens exchanging sex for drugs or money
A first of its kind study has found 650,000 Middle and High School students have exchanged sex for drugs or money at least once. Researchers also found up to 20 percent of those have been told they have HIV or another sexually transmitted infection.



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