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Military Life/Emergencies/Trauma/Terrorism/Preparations

CNIC’s Operation Prepare Continues to Raise Awareness and Action on Emergency Preparedness with the Observance of National Preparedness Month
  Operation Prepare, a fleet-wide education and awareness campaign on emergency preparedness, provides Navy family members with valuable tools and resources to help them be more prepared.

Handbook Now Available:
Guidelines for Navy Family Emergency Preparedness

  "Are You Ready?" is a handbook that has a disaster plan and resources available to Naval service family members.

Health and Safety Hurricane Recovery Guidance Available  
  Pocket-sized resource for Navy and Marine Corps personnel to enable recovering from a hurricane.

Emergency Preparedness Materials Available Online  
  How to prepare for a variety of natural and man-made disasters.

Plan For and Protect Family Health in a Disaster  
  Major events such as Hurricane Katrina make us think about the impact of such disasters on our family and loved ones, and how prepared we would be.

After a Hurricane: Key Facts About Infectious Disease  
  Although infectious diseases are a frightening prospect, widespread outbreaks of infectious disease after hurricanes are not common in the United States.

Don't Let Your Home Be a Target for Burglars
  Burglary is a serious, yet preventable, crime. What military families can do to protect their homes, inside and out, from intruders. Gives detailed information on how to secure the home as well as how others can assist in creating a safer community for all.

Last Will and Testament: Make Your Wishes Known 
  One of the most important things you can do for your loved ones is to prepare a will. A will ensures that your loved ones will be provided for in your absence.

Homeowner's Insurance: Being Insurance Smart  
  This article is about different insurance coverages for your home or dwelling, and will help you make an informed decision when choosing your insurance coverages. Discusses insurance terms and different coverage options.

Emergencies and Evacuations: What You Need to Know Now  
  No matter where you live, the potential for a natural disaster exists. Don't get caught unprepared. Learn how to prepare for emergencies and evacuations.

Stocking Up for Emergencies
  As Hurricanes Katrina and Rita proved in Lousiana, Mississippi and Texas life is unpredictable. Learn how to stock up for storms and other emergencies, so you are not caught unprepared.

Be Prepared: Protect Your Family During Deployment
  This article is about personal and home safety for a military spouse and family when their service member is on deployment, and teaching children to protect operation security. Mentions the Ombudsman and Key Volunteer, the Provost Marshal's Office (PMO); links to the Red Cross, Deployment Link, and the LIFELines Deployment Readiness section.

Pulling Chocks: Coping With a Sudden Deployment
  How do service members and thier families cope with a sudden deployment? Who should they talk with, what kind of paperwork is needed? What role does the ombudsman or Key Volunteer play? Do you need Navy Legal Assistance, Marine Joint Legal Assistance or the Marine Corps Staff Judge Advocate? How about the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS), FFSC, MCCS, Military Wives, and Military Spouse Support Network? Some or all of these could play a role in deployment.

Prepare Your Family Against Terrorist Attacks
  The threat of terrorist attacks is real. However, there are ways that you and your family can prepare for the threat of terrorist attacks as you would any emergency, such as a storm or natural disaster.

Taking Care of Our Own: Bedside Travel
  This article is about how to get permission to travel to the bedside of a very seriously ill (VSI) Sailor or Marine. Mentions the Marine Corps Casualty Procedures Manual (MCO P3040.4D) and links to Joint Federal Travel Regulations.


LIFELines: The Official Quality of Life delivery network of the Department of the Navy, serving Sailors, Marines, and their families.

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