Press Room

April 16, 2004

Media Advisory:
Treasury Secretary John W. Snow to Lead
“National Teach Children to Save” Day
in New York
Treasury Officials to Join the American Bankers Association in Schools Across the Country to
Promote Savings to Children

Treasury Secretary John W. Snow will lead Treasury's efforts in the eighth annual "National Teach Children to Save Day."  Secretary Snow will teach a fifth-grade class in East Harlem's Twentieth School District in New York City.  Secretary Snow will lead a lesson on the importance of saving for the future and how budgeting can help individuals achieve their goals.  This nationwide event is sponsored by the American Bankers Association Education Foundation. More information on "National Teach Children to Save Day" can be found at

In addition to Secretary Snow, several other Treasury officials will teach financial education lessons in classrooms across the country on Thursday.  More information on these events will be available next week.


Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snow
Mr. Donald G. Ogilvie, President and CEO, American Bankers Association
Ms. Dara Duguay, Director of Citigroup's Office of Financial Education
Mr. John Bryant, Founder, Chairman and CEO, Operation HOPE


Teaching a Financial Education lesson to a fifth grade class in conjunction
with "National Teach Children to Save Day", sponsored by the American
Bankers Association Education Foundation


Thursday, April 22, 2004
9:30 am EDT


P.S. 50 Vito Marcantonio
433 E. 100 St.
New York, New York  10029

**Media interested in covering this event should call Treasury's Office of Public Affairs at 202/622-2960