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ADA Streaming Video Help Page

About Streaming Video

The videos on this website start to play using video software while the video file continues to download to your computer. This permits the viewer to watch the beginning of the video without having to wait until the entire file (which can be quite large) downloads. To make the videos usable on both computers with a slower dial-up connection to the Internet and computers with a high-speed connection, there are two versions provided. The dial-up version is a smaller file that should play on a dial-up connection (this version has a smaller video screen and a slower frame rate) and the high-speed version is designed for DSL or Cable Internet (with a larger and higher quality image).All videos on this site have either captions or audio description. The captioned version has open captions and the audio described version has additional audio inserted to provide information to viewers who are blind or who have low vision.

Playing the Videos

You should have either the QuickTime Player or the Real Player to view the movies on this website. If you have QuickTime Player or Real Player software and are still having trouble you may need to download the latest version of the software and then install it. Both players are available as a free download.

My Computer Will Not Play the Movies

If you have the correct version of QuickTime or Real Player but still cannot view the movies, the problem may be with your browser. Make sure to clear the cache from your browser and then try to play the movie(s).

You may also be experiencing difficulties with your Firewall or with other security settings. If you have technical support for your computer you should check with the computer specialist. You may also wish to search for information using an Internet search engine by entering "streaming video help."

Video Stops During Playback

If the video player starts and then stops playing, you may have a problem with how fast the video can download to your computer. At times the video will start playing again after a few seconds or you may need to move the cursor to the play button at the bottom of the player and click play or just move the cursor to anywhere on the player window and click. If the video does not start playing again, you may have to close the player window and re-select the video link. If you have a dial-up or ISDN connection make sure to select the dial-up version of the movie. If you have a DSL or Cable Internet connection and are having trouble with the player stopping then choose the dial-up version. There may be a temporary slowdown of your Internet connection.

You may also wish to check the settings on the QuickTime Player or the Real Player to make sure the settings are correct for your computer system and Internet service. Look for the Preferences setting after you open the Player.

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March 8 , 2005