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Family Life/Military Pay & Benefits/Pay

New Security Measure Added to the myPay System  
  Virtual keyboard protects against malicious software.

Understanding Your Navy LES (Leave and Earnings Statement) 
  Explains Leave and Earnings Statement.

Access Your Pay and Personnel Records in Cyberspace
  How to access your pay and personnel records online.

Overseas Duty Figures in Your Paycheck
  Various allowances in Navy and Marine Corps pay, including the cost-of-living allowance (COLA), career sea pay (CSP), hostile fire and imminent danger pay (HF/IDP), family separation allowance (FSA), basic allowance for subsistence (BAS or COMRATS), and overseas housing allowance (OHA).

Think Before You Write a Bad Check
  You found that item you just have to have. Unfortunately, you don't have the money in your account to pay for it. Stop and think! Writing a bad check is illegal, it can lead to large fees, debt, jail, and even separation from the military.

Show Me the Money  
  Military pay can seem complicated, full of entitlements and allotments. Learn about the items on the Leave and Earning Statement (LES), including tax deductions, entitlements, and allowances for housing (BAH) and subsistence (BAS); pay grades, reserve pay (modified by time in service), sea duty and career sea pay (CSP), extra pay for hazardous duty, hostile fire, and imminent danger; leave and vacation, and commissary and exchange savings.




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