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Pollutants in the EnvironmentHome | Image Galleries | Pollutants in the Environment

Tesoro Net Removal Project

On August 24, 1998, a hose ruptured at a transfer station owned by the Tesoro Corporation off Barber's Point near Honolulu, Hawaii. While transferring product from a tanker to shore, approximately 5000 gallons of bunker oil was spilled. Initially, the responsible party believed that far less oil was spilled and that it only impacted shorelines of Oahu.

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dangerous fishing net is removed

Tesoro Net Removal (1 of 4)

(04.10.05, Tesoro Project Report)

Related Pages on Our Site
  • Case History: Tesoro Net Removal An oil spill in Oahu led to a week-long fishing net removal operation on Kauai. The incident provides a parallel example of how a vessel removal could be used as a restoration/mitigation exercise.
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