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Military Life/New to the Military/Navy Uniforms

U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations 
  The latest U.S. Navy Uniform regulations are available online.

Uniforms at Your Fingertips
  There is a Navy Uniform Center at most Navy Exchanges worldwide. Each center has a stock assortment that is designed to meet the base mission.

Clothes Make the Man or the Woman: A Servicemember's Guide
  What to wear or not to wear, when you are out of uniform. It's no longer just about when and where you can wear shower shoes or flip-flops. This article is about what Sailors and Marines can and cannot wear while in civilian attire. Tattoos and body piercing are also addressed in this article about appropriate and inappropriate civilian attire for both Sailors and Marines. Links to Uniform Matters and official Marine Corps websites are provided.

Uniform Tips You Don't Learn in Boot Camp
  Marines have a reputation for always looking sharp. Learn about Marine uniform dress, etiquette and tips for always looking your best.

Stowing Stuff in a Sea Bag 
  The time has come for you to pack for your first deployment. Make sure you don't try to pack everything, including the kitchen sink. Learn about the best and most efficient ways to pack for a deployment, keeping in mind less is better.

How to Tell Ratings from Rates and Ranks
  This article is about Navy and Marine Corps uniforms. It discusses Navy and Marine Corps ratings, rates, and ranks, and mentions chevrons and other sleeve devices, cap and collar devices, insignias, shoulder boards, stars, and stripes.


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