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Military Life/New to the Military/First Duty Station

Life Skills for Living on Your Own
  Maintaining your home and laundry and basic tips for minimum cleaning standards. Links to other helpful websites that provide additional house and laundry information such as,,, Do It, Hints and, and Butlers

Your First PCS Move  
  If you are in the Navy or Marine Corps, there is one thing you can count on....moving. Learn how to handle your first permanent change of station (PCS) move like a pro.

Temporary Duty: Should the Family Go Along?  
  Your spouse has temporary additional duty orders (TAD) to some exotic location. Before you pack your bags there are some things to consider when deciding to travel with your spouse on TAD orders.

How to Make New Friends in Your Station 
  You've arrived at your new duty station and everything seems to be in order, except....friends. You need some! Learn some tips on making friends at your new location.

Stowing Stuff in a Sea Bag 
  The time has come for you to pack for your first deployment. Make sure you don't try to pack everything, including the kitchen sink. Learn about the best and most efficient ways to pack for a deployment, keeping in mind less is better.

Your Sponsor: Your Guiding Light  
  This article is about how to help your PCS move sponsor. It discusses the importance of communicating, and lists some services a sponsor provides, such as information about currency exchange, housing options, cost of living, and childcare. Links to the StayNavy's Sponsor Assignment Aid (SAA) program, Navy Surface Spouses, the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP), the Spouse Employment Assistance Program (SEAP), and


LIFELines: The Official Quality of Life delivery network of the Department of the Navy, serving Sailors, Marines, and their families.

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