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Military Life/New to the Military/Boot Camp

Uniforms at Your Fingertips  

Navy and Marine Corps Uniforms There is a Navy Uniform Center at most Navy Exchanges worldwide. Each center has a stock assortment that is designed to meet the base mission.

Building a Positive Work Environment Through Effective Leadership  

CMC GreenCMC Bill Green wants every day to be a great day for every Sailor in the United States Navy! He shares his thoughts about how to encourage a positive attitude from all of the Sailors within a command.

Life Skills for Living on Your Own  

HousecleaningMaintaining your home and laundry and basic tips for minimum cleaning standards. Links to other helpful websites that provide additional house and laundry information such as,,, Do It, Hints and, and Butlers

Stowing Stuff in a Sea Bag  

Sea BagThe time has come for you to pack for your first deployment. Make sure you don't try to pack everything, including the kitchen sink. Learn about the best and most efficient ways to pack for a deployment, keeping in mind less is better.

Welcome to Navy Boot Camp Graduation  

Recruits Marching Graduation day for Navy recruits, several divisions of some 200 men and women often graduate on the same day. Access to boot camp, the passing in review ceremony, and what to expect on the day. Links to Recruit Training Command and various resources on boot camp, training and graduation.

Navy Boot Camp: What to Take? What to Expect?  

Marching at Bootcamp Great LakesIf you are on your way to bootcamp or have a family member on his or her way, this article will teach you about Navy boot camp and what goes on during the 8 weeks of basic training. It also discusses clothing, medical care, seamanship, anti-terrorism training, drill instruction, classes, firefighting, and graduation.

Boot Camp Transforms Civilians Into Sailors  

Navy RecruitsHow Navy boot camp transforms ordinary men and women into Sailors and training expectations, both physical and mental. Links to Recruit Training Command.

What if I am not sure what all the blocks on my Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) mean? Where can I find out what all of the abbreviations in the LES blocks mean?

Your pay is your ultimate responsibility. Each LES you receive contains information on your entitlements, deductions and allotments. The Defense Finance Assistance Center has provided a guide that will assist you in understanding your LES.

If you have any questions regarding your LES or your pay varies significantly, contact your local disbursing office.


LIFELines: The Official Quality of Life delivery network of the Department of the Navy, serving Sailors, Marines, and their families.

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