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Action: Notice, request for comments.

Web posting date:: 09/04/2008

Federal Register Notice of Finding Publication Date: to be determined

Effective Date of Federal Register: to be determined

Close of public comment period: 15 days following the effective date

Summary: The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is seeking comments on whether a waiver of the Buy America requirements of 23 CFR 635.410 should be granted to permit the use of non-domestic 1. Stainless steel bridge suspender cable assemblies (34 ea); 2. Stainless steel glass panel attachment hardware (Spider fittings) (1,250 ea); 3. Stainless steel mesh at railings and elevator (2,070 sq ft.); 4. Stainless steel grade 2205 (91,999 lbs) in the state of City of San Diego, CA.

FHWA will only consider a Buy America waiver when the conditions of 23 CFR 635.410( c) have been met: (1) when the application of the provision would be inconsistent with the public interest; or (2) when steel and iron products are not produced in the United States in sufficient and reasonably available quantities, which are of a satisfactory quality.

The FHWA will consider all comments received in the initial 15-day comment period during our evaluation of the waiver request. Comments received after this period, but before notice of our finding is published in the Federal Register, will be considered to the extent practical. Follow-up coordination on the comments received may result in a delay in the publication of our waiver finding in the Federal Register. Comments received during the 15-day comment period after notice of our finding is published in the Federal Register will be reviewed, but the finding will continue to remain valid. Comments received during the comment period after the effective date of the finding will be reviewed, and may influence the FHWA's decision to terminate or modify a finding.


Lloyd Welker 09/05/2008
Again I cannot support this total waiver. First the designer during design should have recognized any requirements added were either available in the US or not. Second some of these items appear aesthetic and not criteria that couldn't be provided by someone in the US.Third, the last item of #92000 has no definition of use.
Raymond Schnell 09/08/2008
We believe that this waiver should not be granted. (1) It is our understanding, that Insteel, a domestic supplier of wire and cable, is capable of producing these bridge suspender cable assemblies. (2) There are several domestic manufacturers of stainless steel products, that could produce the spider fittings required. (3) Salit Specialty Rebar, also a domestic supplier, has an inventory of stainless wire mesh. Is it possible to get more detailed information on the grid size required? (4) Finally, the last item, indicates 91,999 pounds of 2205 stainless steel, but does not indicate which form it may be. If it is rebar for example, then we here at Talley Metals, can provide sizes from #3 to #16 in this grade, and we are a domestic supplier of solid stainless steel rebar, and we do produce 2205, as well as other solid stainless steel grades.

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Office of Program Administration
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This page last modified on 07/24/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration