No Child Left Behind: A Desktop Reference

Archived Information: The No Child Left Behind: A Desktop Reference outlines what is new under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 for each program supported under the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 and other statues. It also describes how the Act's four guiding principles (accountability, flexibility and local control, parental choice, and what works) are brought to bear on many of these programs.

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Table of Contents

1.  Title Page
2.  Letter from Secretary Paige
3.  Introduction
4.  Title I--Improving The Academic Achievement Of The Disadvantaged
Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies (I-A)
Reading First (I-B-1)
Early Reading First (I-B-2)
William F. Goodling Even Start Family Literacy Program (I-B-3)
Improving Literacy through School Libraries (I-B-4)
Education of Migratory Children (I-C)
Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk (I-D)
National Assessment of Title I, Title 1 Evaluation and Demonstrations (I-E-1501-1503)
Close-Up Fellowship (I-E-1504)
Comprehensive School Reform (I-F)
Advanced Placement (I-G)
School Dropout Prevention (I-H)
General Provisions (I-I)
5.  Title II--Preparing, Training, And Recruiting High Quality Teachers And Principals
Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund, Grants to States (II-A)
School Leadership (II-A-5-2151(B))
Advanced Certification/Credentialing (II-A-5-2151(C))
Early Childhood Educator Professional Development (II-A-5-2151(E))
Mathematics and Science Partnerships (II-B)
Troops-to-Teachers (II-C-1-A)
Transitions to Teaching (II-C-1-B)
National Writing Project (II-C-2)
Civic Education (II-C-3)
Teaching of Traditional American History (II-C-4)
Teacher Liability Protection (II-C-5)
Enhancing Education Through Technology (II-D-1&2)
Ready-to-Learn Television (II-D-3)
6.  Title III--Language Instruction For Limited English Proficient And Immigrant Students
Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students (III)
7.  Title IV--21st Century Schools
Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities (IV-A)
Gun-Free Requirements (IV-A-3)
21st Century Community Learning Centers (IV-B)
Environmental Tobacco Smoke (IV-C)
8.  Title V--Promoting Informed Parental Choice And Innovative Programs
Innovative Programs (V-A)
Public Charter School (V-B-1)
Credit Enhancement Initiatives to Assist Charter School Facility Acquisition, Construction, and Renovation (V-B-2)
Voluntary Public School Choice (V-B-3)
Magnet Schools Assistance (V-C)
Elementary and Secondary School Counseling (V-D-2)
Partnerships in Character Education (V-D-3)
Smaller Learning Communities (V-D-4)
Reading Is Fundamental-Inexpensive Book Distribution (V-D-5)
Gifted and Talented Students (V-D-6)
Star Schools (V-D-7)
Ready to Teach (V-D-8)
Foreign Language Assistance (V-D-9)
Physical Education (V-D-10)
Community Technology Centers (V-D-11)
Educational, Cultural, Apprenticeship, and Exchange Programs for Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Their Historical Whaling and Trading Partners in Massachusetts (V-D-12)
Arts in Education (V-D-15)
Parental Assistance Information Centers (V-D-16)
Women's Educational Equity (V-D-21)
9.  Title VI--Flexibility And Accountability
Improving Academic Achievement, Accountability, Grants for State Assessments and Enhanced Assessments (VI-A-1)
Funding Transferability for State and Local Educational Agencies (VI-A-2)
State Flexibility Authority ("State-Flex")(VI-A-3-A)
Local Flexibility Demonstration ("Local-Flex") (VI-A-3-B)
Rural Education Initiative: Small, Rural School Achievement (VI-B-1)
Rural Education Initiative: Rural and Low-Income Schools (VI-B-2)
General Provisions, National Assessment of Education Progress (VI-C-411)
10.  Title VII--Indian, Native Hawaiian, And Alaska Native Education
Indian Education (VII-A)
Native Hawaiian Education (VII-B)
Alaska Native Education (VII-C)
11.  Title VIII--Impact Aid Program
Impact Aid (VIII)
12.  Title IX--General Provisions
General Provisions (IX)
Unsafe School Choice Option (IX-E-2-9532)
13.  Title X--Repeals, Redesignations, And Amendments To Other Statutes
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements, (X, Part C)

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Last Modified: 09/14/2007