
Press Release
December 7, 2004

Finch Named Director Of The George H. W. Bush Presidential Library

College Park, MD…Archivist of the United States John W. Carlin announced today the selection of Warren L. Finch, Jr. as the new Director of the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library. The appointment is effective December 27, 2004.

Finch, who is currently the deputy director of the Bush Library, will succeed Douglas Menarchik, who has been appointed to the position of Assistant Administrator for Policy and Programs Coordination at the Agency for International Development.

In announcing his selection, Archivist John Carlin said that Finch "is uniquely qualified for the Bush Library position because of his years of experience working with the records of the Bush presidency beginning in 1992 with his assignment to the Presidential materials transition team." He has been in College Station, Texas since 1993, first with the library project team and with the Bush Library since it opened in 1997.

President Bush said, "I am greatly pleased by the NARA decision to name Mr. Warren Finch as the new Library Director. Warren has been with the Library since its opening and has been a key part of our success. He has the dedication, professionalism and vision to keep moving the Library on the road of excellence in its exhibits and programming."

The President also said, "I want to thank Dr. Doug Menarchik for his outstanding work at the Library and wish him and his wife, Debra, all the best as they move on to new career challenges."

In addition to his work with the Bush Library, Mr. Finch spent two years at the National Archives in Washington, DC in its Office of Presidential Libraries and a year at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Project in California, where he received training under the National Archives Archival Career Training Program.

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