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Animation Simulating Six Entangled Ions in Simultaneous 'Cat' States

Animation credit: Bill Pietsch, Astronaut 3 Media, Inc.

The above animation simulates six ions in "cat" states, spinning in two opposite directions at the same time. Each ion spins both left (clockwise, shown in blue) and right (counter-clockwise, shown in red) simultaneously, a condition called a superposition. The six ions are also entangled with each other, so their properties are correlated. If one ion is measured with a laser (shown as a blue beam), that ion's delicate superposition will "collapse" and it will spin in only one direction (clockwise/blue in the animation). Entanglement causes the other five ions to immediately spin in the same direction (they all turn blue).

Right click on this link to Download Quicktime file of animation (1.5 MB)

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Created: 11/30/2005
Last updated: 05/17/2006