
Running for Office: Candidates, Campaigns, and the Cartoons of Clifford Berryman

Narrowing the Field

After potential candidates declare their interest in running for office, each political party determines who receives the party’s nomination. Although he drew the cartoons nearly a century ago, Berryman’s insights on the nomination process are still relevant today.

"Golfing Season" May 1, 1924
After a divisive primary, a political party may be unable to unite voters behind the chosen candidate in the general election. In 1924, Calvin Coolidge, the incumbent President, breezed through the Republican primary unopposed. As the Republicans advanced unscathed to the "convention putting green," the Democratic candidates waged a hostile primary battle "off the fairway."

"Nearing the End of the Primaries" May 3, 1920
As the 1920 Republican convention neared there was no clear choice for the G.O.P. Presidential nominee. This cartoon shows the frazzled Republican elephant surrounded by conflicting newspaper headlines while the Democratic donkey makes pressing inquiries.

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