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Homeland Security 5 Year Anniversary 2003 - 2008, One Team, One Mission Securing the Homeland

First Broad Agency Announcement on S&T Requirements Closing Out

Release Date: 06/05/03 00:00:00

TSWG Receives $30 Million in Funds for FY2004 to Establish Technology Clearinghouse

For Immediate Release
Science and Technology Directorate
June 5, 2003

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) released on May 14 a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) seeking contract proposals to support Homeland Security research and development projects.  This BAA closes out on June 13 - interested contractors should submit their one-page responses by the deadline.

In accordance with the Homeland Security Act, DHS Science and Technology Directorate is responsible for establishing a Technology Clearinghouse to engage the private sector in rapid prototyping of Homeland Security technologies.  DHS will partner with TSWG to utilize their existing capabilities to accomplish this goal.  As a result of the partnership, they will receive $30 million in funding from DHS' Science and Technology Directorate.

"We are pleased that our first opportunity to create a technology clearinghouse is in strong partnership with TSWG," said Dr. Charles McQueary, Under Secretary, Science and Technology Directorate.  "We expect to work closely with them to engage the private sector for both near- and long-term solutions to our technology needs."

The Homeland Security BAA will provide an opportunity for the private sector to address requirements outlined by DHS component agencies.  These requirements involve improved methods for detection and response to threats ranging from chemical to high explosive attacks to border protection. In addition, the nation's critical infrastructure that includes cyberspace and all modes of transportation issues will be addressed. Contract awards may be released as early as October 2003 with additional awards possible through FY 2004 funds.

"As outlined in the President's National Strategy for Homeland Security, the private sector has the expertise to develop and produce many of the technologies and systems needed for homeland security," said Al Martinez-Fonts, Special Assistant to the Secretary for the Private Sector.  "They will provide the crucial elements we need to harness the energy and ingenuity to defeat terrorism."

The TSWG is the U.S. national forum that identifies, prioritizes, and coordinates interagency and international research and development requirements to combat terrorism. In addition, rapid development and deployment of technologies in both the national and international arenas are of the highest priority.

For more information, please visit the B.I.D.S. section of the TSWG web site at

This page was last modified on 06/05/03 00:00:00