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September 15, 2008 - Public Library of Science
Determining the structure of nuclear receptor has implications for a host of diseases - (APS)
In a study published this week in PLoS Biology, Eric Xu and colleagues have determined the molecular structure of a nuclear receptor, which regulates the expression of specific genes within cells, that may serve as a drug target for diseases related to heart and blood vessel development, human embryonic development and female infertility. ...

Deutsche Version English Version

September 11, 2008 - Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.
Hydrogen bonds: Scientists find new mechanism - (BESSY)
Water’s unrivaled omnipresence and the crucial role it plays in life drives scientists’ to understand every detail of its unusual underlying properties on the microscopic scale. ...

September 11, 2008 - University of Reading
Worms turn detective to help with contaminated land - (Diamond)
... The research, which is being unveiled at the BA Festival of Science in Liverpool, examines why some populations of earthworms can inhabit contaminated soil and what impact earthworms have on potentially toxic elements in soils. ...


September 12, 2008 - BBC News
Earthworms to aid soil clean-up - (Diamond)
Scientists have discovered how metal-munching earthworms can help plants to clean up contaminated soils. ...

September 11, 2008 - idw
How do plants see light? - (ESRF, HASYLAB)
Scientists from the Dept. of Plant Physiology in Giessen and the Dept. of Structural Biology in Marburg have made an important step towards understanding how "phytochromes" work. ...

September 11, 2008 - The Independent
New 'super worms' may clean up heavy metals - (Diamond)
A metal-eating earthworm that can survive the toxic environment of heavily contaminated soils is being recruited in the fight to clean up the polluted land of former industrial sites. ...

September 9, 2008 - AZoNano
Work Marks a Step Forward into Studying Very Fast Dynamical Processes in Water - (BESSY)
Water's unrivaled omnipresence and the crucial role it plays in life drives scientists' to understand every detail of its unusual underlying properties on the microscopic scale. ...

September 8, 2008 - ScienceDaily
Comets Throw Light On Solar System's Beginnings - (Diamond)
A new picture of the composition of comets is emerging with the help of 21st century technology available at Diamond, the UK’s national synchrotron light source, in Oxfordshire. ...

September 8, 2008 - medGadget
Gigantic Ruler to Measure Tiny Distances - (APS, CNM)
Scientists at Argonne National Lab have received a grant from the NIH to utilize the power of the Advanced Photon Source, one of the world's most powerful emitters of X-rays, to develop a system to precisely measure atomic distances within protein structures. ...

September 6, 2008 - Thaindian News
Mammalian "fatty acid factory" may harbour multiple disease cure - (SLS)
Scientists at the ETH Zurich have determined the atomic structure of a mammalian fatty acid synthase, a promising target for the development of drugs to treat cancer, obesity and metabolic disorders. ...

September 2008
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SPring-8: Structure and properties of metal complex nanowires formed in nanotube


ALS: New Clues to Oxygen at the Origin of the Solar System

Oxygen is the most abundant element on Earth, accounting for almost half the planet’s mass. Of its three stable isotopes, oxygen 16 (whose nucleus contains eight neutrons) makes up 99.762 percent of oxygen on Earth, while heavier oxygen 17 (with nine neutrons) accounts for just 0.038 percent, and the heaviest isotope, oxygen 18 (with 10 neutrons), makes up 0.2 percent.


APS: X-Ray Science Division: Division Director

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