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Safety at SLAC

SLAC is committed to protecting the health and safety of our staff, the community, and the environment as we carry out our scientific mission. We believe that safety, science, productivity, and quality are mutually supportive, and that safety is integral to each job. As stewards of our land, SLAC also seeks to minimize pollution to our environment and to protect our resources and biota.

Things to know about Safety at SLAC:

MedicalSLAC Medical

Our medical department provides assistance for minor injuries, physical examinations, counseling, ergonomics, and wellness programs.  We also maintain surveillance programs for occupational exposures. For services, call x2281.

Safety EngineeringSafety Engineering

To support SLAC research, we provide occupational safety services and personnel with specialized safety knowledge in areas such as injury and illness prevention, chemical management, laser safety, and hoisting and rigging.

Radiation ProtectionRadiation Protection

We support all radiological operations (including shielding and safety system designs) with radiation physicists, field operations, dosimetry, and radioactive waste management. For services, call x4299.

Environmental ProtectionEnvironmental Protection

Committed to safety of our land as well as our people, our environmental department performs both protection and restoration, and provides air quality, water resources and waste management (including pollution prevention).


ESH Training provides courses to aid in a safe and healthy workplace, all of which meet regulatory requirements. Our database programs assist SLAC personnel in keeping current with training and supervisor requirements.

citizen committeesCitizen Committees

At SLAC, we believe in integration of safety at all levels. Committees are formed with members of every division at SLAC with expertise in their fields to advise, review, and develop specific programs for safety at SLAC.

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