Take a look inside

'The Darwin Centre will show the public more of our vital research and our internationally important collections. I hope the centre will inspire people to think about the natural environment differently and in turn inspire them to take better care of our planet.'

Dr Michael Dixon - Director

More about the new Darwin Centre

Entry is free!

(there is a charge for temporary exhibitions)

Monday to Sunday10:00 - 17:50

The Museum is open every day except 24-26 December. Last admission is at 17:30.

 Natural History Museum at Tring opening times

Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7942 5000

What's on

Kids only

Visit the Dino Directory

Discover fun facts about dinosaurs. See some in 3D. Take a peek in Dinosaurs. 

Explore giant squids and surprising sharks, the mimic octopus and why whales strand. Dive in and discover Life in the sea.

If you want to study animals, from the huge blue whale to the tiniest microbe, learn how to become an zoologist.

Nature online

Exotic species of bugs are making the UK their home. One such creature is the false widow spider. Read an article or watch a video with Museum insect expert Stuart Hine.

World's longest insect

World's longest insect This image is the head of the world's longest insect? Find out more about this stick-insect

Buy online

Mineral necklace

Buy gorgeous new mineral jewellery online, like this striking, handmade necklace of turquoise and faceted onyx.

A bright idea for wintry nights out, our Green Gift of the Month is a pocket-sized wind-up torch that uses super-bright LEDs.