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About the Faculty:

Giorgio Agamben, Ph.D.,: Baruch Spinoza Chair at EGS, is a professor of aesthetics at the University of Verona, Italy. As Post-Doc he participated in seminars with Martin Heidegger in Freiburg and directed the Italian Walter Benjamin Edition. Agamben works at the intersection of literary theory, continental philosophy, political thought, religious studies, literature and art. He was a visiting professor in Paris and taught at American universities such as UC Berkeley, Los Angeles, Irvine, Santa Cruz, Northwestern University. Publications: Georges Bataille; The Coming Community; Homo sacer; Idea of Prose; Infancy and History; Language and Death: The Place of Negation; Means Without Ends.
Professor Giorgio Agamben's Faculty Page

Chantal Akerman, Paris-based independent filmmaker is internationally recognized for her experimental blurrring of cinematic genres and her perceptive visual style. Her work includes well-known movies such as A Couch in New York as well as films with minmalistic narratives such as Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles. Her video installations, exhibited at the Venice Art Biennale 2001 and Kassel Documenta 2002, and documentaries display an intensive personal gaze, most notably in Selfportrait / Autobiography: Work in Progress.
Professor Chantal Akerman's Faculty Page

Pierre Aubenque, Ph.D.,: Aristotle Chair at EGS, professor emeritus (Sorbonne), is an internationally recognized authority on Western philosophy and the secretary general of the Institute international de Philosophie (Paris). At the EGS Aubenque is the philosopher-in-residence and member of the Scientific Council. He served as dean of the faculty of philosophy at Hamburg University before he became chair of the philosophy department at the Sorbonne and director of C.N.R.S. Aubenque taught as visiting professor at 15 universities worldwide and received three honorary doctorates. His seminal work on Aristotle suggests a complementary relation between theory and practice. Publications: Le problème de l'être chez Aristote; La prudence chez Aristote; Etudes sur la Métaphysique d'Aristote; Etudes sur la Politique d'Aristote.
Professor Pierre Aubenque's Faculty Page

Alain Badiou, Ph.D., Rene Descartes Chair at EGS, is chair of the philosophy department at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and teaches at the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris. Trained as a mathematician and a published novelist, Badiou is one of the most original French philosophers today. Major publications: Theory of the Subject; Being and Event; Deleuze: The Clamor of Being; Manifesto for Philosophy; Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil.
Professor Alain Badiou's Faculty Page

Lewis Baltzis an American photographer and a Professor in the School of Visual Arts, at the IUAV. He is an American conceptual photographer who became influential as part of the "New Topography" movement of the late Seventies. Baltz realized a "counter aesthetics" by revealing with a dispassionate eye desolate landscapes and forgotten places. Baltz studied at the San Francisco Art Institute and received a Master of Fine Arts from Claremont Graduate Schoolin 1971. Currently Baltz works on information architecture day, exposing the crisis of technology. His works have been exhibited world-wide in museums such as The Museum of Modern Art Paris, Museum of Contemporary Art Helsinki, San Francisco MOMA, Los Angeles MOMA, and the Whitney Museum of American Art New York. Publications: The New Industrial Parks; San Quentin Point; Candlestick Point; Rule without Exception; Deaths in Newport; Politics of Bacteria, Docile Bodies, Ronde de Nuit.
Professor Lewis Baltz's Faculty Page

Jean Baudrillard, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, University of Paris. A provocative philosopher of media and leading critic of the postmodern culture. Author of System of Objects; Consumer Society; Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign; The Mirror of Production; Symbolic Exchange and Death; On Seduction; Simulacra and Simulation; Fatal Strategies; America; The Transparency of Evil; Cool Memories.
Professor Jean Baudrillard's Faculty Page

Catherine Breillat is a Paris based filmmaker and writer internationally acclaimed for her distinctively personal films on sexuality, gender trouble and sibling rivalry. She is also a best-selling novelist, acted in Bernardo Bertolucci's Last Tango in Paris (1982) and wrote the screenplay for Maurice Pialat's movie Police (1984). Since her first film Une vraie jeune filles (1975, not released before 2000). Major films: Virgin (36 Fillette), Perfect Love, Romance, Fat Girl, Sex is Comedy.
Professor Catherine Breillat's Faculty Page

Yve-Alain Bois, Ph.D., Roland Barthes Chair at EGS, Joseph Pulitzer Professor of Modern Art and Chair, History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University. Studied under Roland Barthes. Co-Editor of the Journal October, a curator and noted philosopher of art. Organizer (with Rosalind Krauss) of the exhibition Formless at the Centre Pompidou, Paris. Author of Painting as Model; Formless; Matisse and Picasso.
Professor Yve-alain Bois's Faculty Page

Victor Burgin, M.F.A. (Yale), is Millard Professor of Fine Art, Goldsmiths College, University of London, and Professor Emeritus of History of Consciousness, University of California, Santa Cruz. One of the most distinguished teaching artists of our time whose cross-disciplinary work bridges media, culture and art. His media and conceptual art was exhibited in museums and art galleries worldwide. Author of Thinking Photography, Between, The End of Art Theory: Criticism and Postmodernity, In/Different Spaces: Place and Memory in Visual Culture, Shadowed
Professor Victor Burgin's Faculty Page

Judith Butler, Ph.D., Hannah Arendt Chair at EGS, is Maxine Eliot Professor of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Berkeley, A leading feminist philosopher and cultural critic, Butler her pioneering work dealt critically with gender, identity and sexuality. Author of Subjects of Desire, Gender Trouble, Bodies That Matter, Excitable Speech, The Psychic Life of Power, Antigone's Claim.
Professor Judith Butler's Faculty Page

Diane Davis PhD., Kenneth Burke Chair at EGS, is Assistant Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Texas at Austin and an expert in postmodern philosophy, literary theory and rhetoric. Author of Breaking Up [at] Totality: A Rhetoric of Laughter.
Professor Diane Davis's Faculty Page

Manuel DeLanda: Gilles Deleuze Chair at EGS, is a New York based philosopher and science writer with an exceptionally cross-disciplinary body of work: He has written extensively on nonlinear dynamics, theories of self-organization, artificial life and intelligence, chaos theory as well as architecture, and history of science. Currently, DeLanda is a professor at the Graduate School of Architecture, Columbia University, New York, and at the University of Pennsylvania School of Design, Philadelphia. An independent filmmaker, he then became a pioneer programmer and computer artist emerging as one of the leading theorists of the electronic world. Major books: War in the Age of Intelligent Machines; A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History; Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy.
Professor Manuel DeLanda's Faculty Page

Claire Denis is a Paris-based filmmaker internationally recognized for her fearless examination of the human condition with its cross-cultural tensions. Denis is a graduate of IDHEC, the French Film School, and served as assistant to Costa-Gravas, Jim Jarmusch, Wim Wenders. Her debut feature film Chocolat (1988), a meditation on colonialism, won her critical acclaim. Denis was a bandleader, worked as actress, notably in Venus Beauty Institute (2000), and directed for French TV. Currently she is shooting a film inspired by Jean-Luc Nancy. Major films: Nenette and Boni; Good Work (Beau Travail); Trouble Every Day; Friday Night.
Professor Claire Denis's Faculty Page

Tracey Emin is a London based artist known for her autobiographical art. Emin is a Master of Art Paintings (Royal College of Art), studied modern philosophy in London and was on the short list for the 1999 Turner Prize. Selected works: Exploration of the Soul; Everyone I have ever slept with 1963-95; My Bed; The Interview; No Chance; The Hut; Tracey Emin.
Professor Tracey Emin's Faculty Page

Bracha L. Ettinger, Ph.D., Marcel Duchamp Chair & Professor of Psychoanalysis and Art at EGS. Artist and groundbreaking theoretician working at the intersection of feminine sexuality, psychoanalysis, and aesthetics.Her approach significantly extends the work of contemporary philosophers and psychoanalysts such as Emmanuel Levinas, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Deleuze-Guattari and Jacques Lacan, and challenges the works of Julia Kristeva and Luce Irigaray. Her "matrixial" theory and language has aesthetical, analytic, ethical and political implications. Author of The Matrixial Borderspace. Ettinger's artworks, mainly paintings, drawing, Artist's books and photographs have been presented in major museums of contemporary art.
Professor Bracha Ettinger's Faculty Page

Christopher Fynsk, Ph.D., Maurice Blanchot Chair at EGS, Professor of Comparative Literature and Modern Thought, University of Aberdeen. Author of Heidegger: Thought and Historicity; Language and Relation; Infant Figures.
Professor Christopher Fynsk's Faculty Page

Peter Greenaway, Ph.D., film director, art curator and visiting professor, based in London and Amsterdam. A trained painter, he is one of the great directors of our time. His films include The Falls; The Belly of an Architect; The Draughtman's Contract; Drowning By Numbers; The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover; Prospero's Books; The Baby of Macon; The Pillow Book; Eight and a Half Women. He has curated Flying Out Of This World (Paris 1992), The Physical Self (Rotterdam 1992), 100 Objects To Represent The World (Vienna 1993), Stairs (Geneva 1994, Munich 1995).
Professor Peter Greenaway's Faculty Page

Sigrid Hackenberg, PhD., Assistant Professor for Media Philosophy at EGS, award winning video artist & lecturer (formerly NYU, School of Visual Arts NY, New School for Social Research). Her works are internationally exhibited (Badajoz (Spain), New York, Stuttgart, Seoul, Paris, Buenos Aires, Mexico, Rome, Cologne).

Werner Hamacher, Ph.D., Emmanuel Levinas Chair at EGS, Professor for General and Comparative Literature at the University of Frankfurt, Germany, and Global Distinguished Professor at New York University. A leading critical thinker in the tradition of Paul de Man and Jacques Derrida, renowned for his bridging of literature, philosophy, and politics, Hamacher was previously Professor of German and the Humanities at Johns Hopkins University. Editor of the series Meridian — Crossing Aesthetics (Stanford University Press) and author of Pleroma: Reading in Hegel; Premises: Essays on Philosophy and Literature from Kant to Celan; Entferntes Verstehen; Nietzsche aus Frankreich (ed).
Professor Werner Hamacher's Faculty Page

Donna Haraway, Ph.D., Professor and former chair of History of Consciousness Department, University of California at Santa Cruz. An internationally well received historian of science, cultural critic and feminist theorist. Author of Primate Visions: Race and Nature in the World of Modern Science; Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature; Modest Witness @ Second Millennium; women@internet: creating new cultures in cyberspace.
Professor Donna Haraway's Faculty Page

Michael Hardt, PhD., is a professor of Literature and Italian at Duke University. Trained as engineer, Hardt became a political activist in the Eighties and known for his Spinoza and Deleuze scholarship. Together with Antonio Negri he wrote Empire, a political manifesto for the 21st century. Author of Deleuze: An Apprenticeship in Philosophy; Labor Of Dionysos (with A. Negri); Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire (with A. Negri)
Professor Michael Hardt's Faculty Page

Martin Hielscher, Ph.D., Theodor W. Adorno Chair at EGS, translator, critic, author, who is currently managing editor for literature at Beck Verlag Münich and former editor for German literature at Kiepenheuer & Witsch Publishers in Cologne, Germany. Visiting professor at Washington University in St. Louis, and at Leipzig University. Author of Zitierte Moderne, Wolfgang Koeppen, Beckmann lernt schiessen.
Professor Martin Hielscher's Faculty Page

Shelley Jackson, MFA, is a New York based writer and artist who has taught at MIT and received the Electronic Literature Award 2001. Her Patchwork Girl (1995) set the standard for hypertextual writing. Her short stories have appeared in Conjunctions, Fence, Grand Street, Kenyon Review. Author of My Body: A Wunderkammer, The Melancholy of Anatomy, The Doll Games.
Professor Shelley Jackson's Faculty Page

Claude Lanzmann is a Paris based filmmaker and director of the magazine Les Temps Modernes. Lanzmann is renowned for his unprecedented "oral history of the Holocaust," the 9 ½ hour documentary film SHOAH (1985). He studied philosophy at Tübingen University in Germany and in Paris where he graduated with a Diplomé d'Etudes Supérieures de Philosophie; he was lecturer for French literature annd philosophy at the Free University of Berlin. Lanzmann belonged to the circle of Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. Other documentary films are Why Israel (1974), Tsahal (1994), A Visitor from the Living (1997). Sobibor / 1943/ 4pm (2001). Author of The Complete Text of the Acclaimed Holocaust Film SHOAH.
Professor Claude Lanzmann's Faculty Page

Sylvère Lotringer, PhD., Jean Baudrillard Chair at EGS, Professor of French at Columbia University New York. As General Editor of Semiotext(e) and of the "Foreign Agents" series, Lotringer was instrumental in introducing French theory to the United States. Author of Antonin Artaud, Pure War (with Paul Virilio), Forget Foucault (with Jean Baudrillard), Overexposed, Philosopher-Artist, Kunst in den Zeiten der Theorie, Nancy Spero.
Professor Sylvère Lotringer's Faculty Page

Jean-François Lyotard, Ph.D., born 1924 in Versaille, died 1998 in Paris. A key figure in contemporary philosophy who was an inspiring mentor for the Media and Communications Program and member of the American Council for EGS. Author of The Postmodern Condition; Phenomenology; The Differend; Just Gaming; Peregrinations: Law, Form, Event; Heidegger and "The Jews"; The Inhuman; Libidinal Economy; Toward the Postmodern; Political Writings; Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime; Duchamp's Transformers; Postmodern Moralities; Signed, Malraux.
Professor Jean-François Lyotard's Faculty Page

Colum McCann M.A., professor of contemporary literature and writer-in-residence at EGS. The Irish award-winning author is based in New York where he teaches creative writing at Hunter College. Author of Everything in this Country Must, This Side of Brightness; Dancer; Zoli.
Professor Colum McCann's Faculty Page

Paul D. Miller is a musician, conceptual artist, and writer known as "Dj Spooky that Subliminal Kid". He was the first editor at larg of "Artbyte: The Magazine of Digital Arts" He was editor of "Artbyte: The Magazine of Digital Arts" and collaborated with musicians and composers such as Iannis Xenakis, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Butch Morris, Kool Keith a.k.a. Doctor Octagon, Killa Priest from Wu-Tang Clan among others. His art work has appeared in the Whitney Biennial, The Venice Biennial for Architecture, the Ludwig Museum Cologne, Kunsthalle Vienna, The Andy Warhol Museum.
Professor Paul D. Miller's Faculty Page

Carl Mitcham, Ph.D., Hans Jonas Chair at EGS, Professor of Liberal Arts and International Studies, Colorado School of Mines. Former philosophy professor and director, Science-Technology-Society Program, Pennsylvania State University, and founding director, Philosophy and Technology Studies Center, Polytechnic University, New York. One of the leading American philosophers of technology who has lectured internationally. He is the editor of Philosophy of Technology Reader; Philosophy and Technology II; Ethics and Technology. Author of Technology and Religion; Thinking Through Technology; Social and Philosophical Construction of Technology; Engineering Ethics.
Professor Carl Mitcham's Faculty Page

Jean-Luc Nancy, Ph.D., Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Chair at EGS, Professor emeritus of Philosophy, University of Strasbourg. A significant voice in the cultural debate on post-modernism and beyond. Author of Das Vergessen der Philosophie; Inoperative Community; The Experience of Freedom; The Muses; The Sense of the World.
Professor Jean-Luc Nancy's Faculty Page

Cornelia Parker, Ph.D., is a London-based sculptor and installation artist internationally recognized for her multi-layered irony. Parker studied art and philosophy, and received her MFA at Reading University in 1982. She was awarded an honorary doctorate from University of Wolverhampton in 2000. A Turner Prize nominated artist in 1997, Parker is renowned for her site-specific work as well as for her poetic transformation of the most prosaic objects. Her works are included in the London Tate Gallery and the MOMA New York.
Professor Cornelia Parker's Faculty Page

Jacques Rancière, Ph.D., is the Emeritus Professor of Aesthetics and Politics at the University of Paris VIII where he taught from 1969 to 2000. He continues to teach, as a visiting professor, at a number of American universities, including Rutgers, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Berkeley. Widely regarded as one of Europe’s foremost contemporary thinkers, his work covers an extraordinary range of topics: from philosophy, pedagogy, political theory, historiography, worker’s history, cinema, photography through to literature. Author of Disagreement, Politics and Philosophy, Short Voyages to the Land of the People, The Philosopher and his poor, The Flesh of Words, The Politics of Aesthetics, Film Fables.
Professor Jacques Rancière's Faculty Page

Laurence "Larry" Rickels, Ph.D., Sigmund Freud Chair at EGS, is a psychoanalyst, professor of German, Comparative Literature, and Film Studies at the University of California Santa Barbara. and research fellow at Zentrum fuer Literaturforschung Berlin. Author of The Devil Notebooks; The Vampire Lectures; Ulrike Ottinger; Nazi Psychoanalysis; The Case Of California; Looking After Nietzsche; Abberations Of Mourning.
Professor Laurence Rickels's Faculty Page

Avital Ronell, Ph.D., Jacques Derrida Chair at EGS, Professor and Chair, German Department, New York University. Former performance artist and professor of comparative literature, University of California at Berkeley. A renowned philosopher and cultural critic who has contributed to the post-metaphysical reading of technology and communication as well as ethics and aesthetics. Author of Stupidity, Dictations; The Telephone Book; Crack Wars; Finitude's Score.
Professor Avital Ronell's Faculty Page

Wolfgang Schirmacher, Ph.D., Arthur Schopenhauer Chair at EGS, Program Director of Media & Communications & Arthur Schopenhauer Professor at EGS. Founding Dean of MC 1998-2006. An internationally active philosopher of technology with emphasis on media, genetic engineering, and neuroscience. President of the International Schopenhauer Association, former Core Faculty Member of the Media Studies Graduate Program, New School for Social Research, Philosophy and Technology Studies Center, Polytechnic University, New York. Editor of Schopenhauer-Studien, and New York Studies in Media Philosophy. Editor of Schopenhauer: Philosophical Writings; German Essays on Science in the Nineteenth Century / Twentieth Century; German Socialist Philosophy; The Frankfurt School, and author of Technik und Gelassenheit; Ereignis Technik; Homo generator.
Program Director Wolfgang Schirmacher's Faculty Page

Volker Schlöndorff, Ph.D. is a Berlin based German filmmaker who is renowned for his cinematic adaptation of major literary works. He studied economics and political science in Paris, and studied philosophy at the Sorbonne. He worked as assistant director to Alain Resnais, Louis Malle, Jean-Pierre Melville and was a founding member of the German New Wave. He has also made a number of documentaries and TV films and served as chief executive for the UFA studio in Babelsberg. Major films: Young Törless, The Lost Honor of Katherina Blum; Coup de Grace; The Tin Drum (Oscar & Palme d'Or 1979); Swann's Way; A Gathering of Old Men; The Handmaid's Tale; Homo Faber; The Ogre; The Legends of Rita.
Professor Volker Schlöndorff's Faculty Page

Michael Schmidt, Ph.D., John Cage-Chair at EGS, is currently an editor of music programming at Bavarian Radio station and a lecturer at the Graduate School for Music in Karlsruhe, Germany. Author of Musical Expression and Digital Media, Musical Fusion, in the Age of Media.
Professor Michael Schmidt's Faculty Page

Hendrik Speck, ABD EGS & MA, Ada Byron Chair at EGS, New School for Social Research, is professor for information science and new media at the University of Applied Sciences at Zweibrucken, Germany, and Chief Information Officer of the European Graduate School's Division of Media and Communications. A cutting-edge theorist and programmer who has lectured internationally on the key issues of the Internet and is involved in its development.
Professor Hendrik Speck's Faculty Page

Bruce Sterling is an Austin based science fiction writer and Net critic, internationally recognized as cyberspace theorist. His novels Involution Ocean; The Artificial Kid, Schismatrix; Islands in the Net, Heavy Weather influenced the cyberpunk literary movement. He co-authored with William Gibson the novel The Difference Machine, and is one of the founders of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Editor of Mirrorshades, and co-editor of The Cyberpunk Anthology.
Professor Bruce Sterling's Faculty Page

Allucquére Rosanne Stone, Ph.D., and is the Wolfgang Köhler Chair at EGS, and is the Wolfgang Köhler Professor, Department of Radio-TV-Film, and Director, Advanced Communication Technology Lab, University of Texas at Austin. Director of the Group for the Study of Visual Systems at the Center of Cultural Studies, University of California at Santa Cruz. A performance artist, researcher in neurology and anthropologist of the virtual world, she organized several international conferences on cyberspace in Santa Cruz, Austin, Banff/Canada, and Karlsruhe, Germany, between 1991-1995. Author of The War of Desire and Technology at the Close of the Mechanical Age.
Professor Allucquére Rosanne Stone's Faculty Page

Fred (Friedrich) Ulfers, Ph.D., Friedrich Nietzsche Chair, Dean of Media and Communications, professor of philosophy at EGS, Associate Professor, German Department, New York University, and Director, Presidential Scholars Program. Secretary, American Council for EGS. Former Assistant Dean, College of Arts and Science, NYU. Three-time recipient of the Best Teacher Award, NYU. Noted scholar with emphasis on Nietzsche, Kafka, and the interdependence of literature, philosophy and science in the 20th century. Author of The Double in Modern German Literature; Essays on Günter Grass' The Flounder.
Dean Fred Ulfers' Faculty Page

Gregory Ulmer, Ph.D., Joseph Beuys Chair at EGS, Professor, English Department, University of Florida. Authority on electracy and cyberlanguage who initiated the online practice called "fetishturgy". Author of Applied Grammatology: Post(e)-Pedagogy from Jacques Derrida to Joseph Beuys; Teletheory: Grammatology in the Age of Video; Heuretics: The Logic of Invention.
Professor Gregory Ulmer's Faculty Page

Agnès Varda is a Paris-based key figure in modern film history and one of the world's leading filmmakers. She studied Literature, Art History and Philosophy at the Sorbonne, followed by a training in photography. She worked as photojournalist and photographer for the theater. Her first film La Pointe Courte (1954), inspired by a story by Faulkner, anticipated the French "New Wave". Varda's movies, documentaries and art installations (most recently at the Venice Biennale 2003) mixing documentary realism and social commentary with a distinct experimental style. For Vagabond (1985) Varda received the Golden Lion of the Venice Film Festival. Major films: Cleo from 5 to 7; Happiness; One Sings, The Other Doesn't; Kung-Fu Masters; Jacquot de Nantes; One Hundred and One Nights; The Gleaners and I.
Professor Agnès Varda's Faculty Page

Victor J. Vitanza, Ph.D., Jean-Francois Lyotard Chair at EGS, is Professor of English & Founding Director, PhD in Rhetorics, Communication and Information Design, Clemson University, South Carolina, and Post-Doc at Carnegie-Mellon. Editor of PRE/TEXT: a journal of rhetorical theory, and the Director of the PRE://TEXT Publishing Webwork,. Vitanza brings together classical and modern rhetorical theory with contemporary French and Italian philosophy. Publications: Negation, Subjectivity, and The History of Rhetoric; Writing Histories of Rhetoric; PRE/TEXT: The First Decade; CyberReader.
Professor Victor J. Vitanza's Faculty Page

Hubertus von Amelunxen, Ph.D., Walter Benjamin Chair at EGS, is Founding Director and Professor at the International School for New Media in Luebeck (Germany) and Senior Visiting Curator for Photography and New Media at the Canadian Center for Architecture in Montreal (Canada). Longtime editor of FOTOGESCHICHTE, Amelunxen is an internationally recognized philosopher of photography in the age of media and as curator. Author of Die aufgehobene Zeit; Allegory and Photography; Photography after Photography (ed.); Television and Revolution; Theorie der Photographie IV.
Professor Hubertus von Amelunxen's Faculty Page

Lebbeus Woods, is a professor of architecture at Cooper Union New York and scientific director of the Research Institute for Experimental Architecture. A leading architecture theorist and artist, his experimental work is included in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art New York, The San Francisco MOMA, The Cartier Foundation of Contemporary Art Paris, The Austrian Museum of Applied Art Vienna and other places. Author of Anarchitecture: Architecture is a political act; Radical Reconstruction; War and Architecture; Nanoarchtecture: A new species of architecture (with John Johansen); System Wien
Professor Lebbeus Woods's Faculty Page

Samuel Weber, Ph.D., Paul de Man Chair at EGS, is the Avalon Professor of Humanities at Northwestern University and one of the leading American thinkers across the disciplines of literary theory, philosophy, and psychoanalysis. Weber has been Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Director of its Paris Program in Critical Theory. Weber was trained under Paul de Man and served as dramaturgue at German opera houses and theaters. Publications: Unwrapping Balzac; The Legend of Freud; Institution and Interpretation; Mass Mediaurus: Form, Technics, Media.
Professor Samuel Weber's Faculty Page

Krzysztof Zanussi, Poland based filmmaker, writer and producer, is a major figure in European cinema. A professor at the Silesian University in Katowice and former president of FERA (Fèdèration Europèenne des Rèalisateurs de l'Audiovisuel), he is director of the Polish film studio TOR. Zanussi has also worked as stage and opera director in Poland, Germany, France, Russia, Italy and Switzerland. Major films: The Structure of Crystals, Family Life, Behind the Wall, The Illumination, The Contract, The Year of the Quiet Sun, Wherever You Are, Life for a Life, The Silent Touch, Camouflage, Weekend Stories, In Full Gallop, Our God's Brother, Life as a Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease
Professor Krzysztof Zanussi's Faculty Page

Siegfried Zielinski, Ph.D., Michel Foucault Chair at EGS, Professor of Communication Theory and Audiovision, and President, Academy of Media Arts (Kunsthochschule für Medien) in Cologne; co-founder, European Summer Academy for Film and Media Art in Berlin. Leading German expert on history, theory and practice of audiovisual media. Author of Veit Harlan; Zur Geschichte des Videorecorders; Audiovisions — Cinema and Television as Entr'actes in History.
Professor Siegfried Zielinski's Faculty Page

Slavoj Zizek, Ph.D., Researcher, Institute of Sociology, University of Ljubljana/Slovenia, and Visiting Professor, New School for Social Research, New York. A cultural critic and philosopher who is internationally known for his use of Jacques Lacan in a new reading of popular culture. Author of The Invisible Reminder; The Sublime Object of Ideology; The Metastases of Enjoyment; Looking Awry: Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture; The Plague of Fantasies; The Ticklish Subject.
Professor Slavoj Zizek's Faculty Page

EGS StarTop of this PageEuropean Graduate School HomepageEGS SitemapEGS Star

Giorgio Agamben
Chantal Akerman
Pierre Aubenque
Alain Badiou
Lewis Baltz
Jean Baudrillard
Yve-Alain Bois
Catherine Breillat
Victor Burgin
Judith Butler
Diane Davis
Manuel DeLanda
Claire Denis
Tracey Emin
Bracha Ettinger
Chris Fynsk
Peter Greenaway
Werner Hamacher
Donna Haraway
Michael Hardt
Martin Hielscher
Michel Houellebecq
Shelley Jackson
Claude Lanzmann
Colum McCann
Carl Mitcham
Jean-Luc Nancy
Cornelia Parker
Jacques Rancière
Laurence Rickels
Avital Ronell
Wolfgang Schirmacher
Volker Schlöndorff
Michael Schmidt
Hendrik Speck
DJ Spooky/Paul Miller
Bruce Sterling
Sandy Stone
Fred Ulfers
Gregory Ulmer
Agnès Varda
Victor Vitanza
H. von Amelunxen
Samuel Weber
Lebbeus Woods
Krzysztof Zanussi
Siegfried Zielinski
Slavoj Zizek