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EGS StarEuropean Graduate School — PhD in Communications — Tuition
Curriculum | Plan of Studies | Tuition/Scholarships | Application

Ph.D. in Communication

Tuition and Fees

The tuition amounts to US $9,450.00 for incoming students (includes the FOUNDATION and the RESEARCH METHODS workshops) and US $9,000.00 for second-year students (includes PhD Forum).

For third year and fourth year dissertation supervision the tuition (includes a 4-credit PhD Colloquium in each of the two years) is US $ 2,500.00 each year, and graduation fee US $400.00

The total tuition for the 4-year PhD program is US $23,850.00

At least half of the tuition must be paid at the time of enrollment, the remainder is due March 15 (only with the permission of the Program Director upon arrival in Saas-Fee).

Tuition for seminars/workshops

$ 450.00 per credit

Dissertation supervision fee (3rd year and 4th year)

$ 2,500.00 (each year)

Graduation/ dissertation review fee

$ 400.00

Note: Full refund of tuition (minus US $400.00 administrative fee) paid at the time of enrollment can be made only possible through December 31 of the academic year enrolled. Current tuition is guaranteed for the current and the following academic year and might be subject to increase after.

Please consult for up-to-date info how to pay your tuition the (re)admittance email.

Financial Aid

Your eligibility for student loans depends on your country of origin. For United States citizen and permanent residents, however, it is possible to obtain loans for the full cost of attendance, including books, travel, and room and board. The US Department of Education school code (03518300) makes subsidized and unsubsidized government loans available; and additionally, permit students with outstanding loans to defer payment while studying at European Graduate School EGS. For more information, visit The EGS Online Financial Aid Office. Or email

Non-US students should check with the education department in their home country for more information.


Departmental Scholarships (each $ 2000.00) are available to students qualified to assist the Program Director during the academic year and maintain a web site. In addition to the Departmental Scholarships, all EGS students are qualified to apply for privately-sponsored graduate level scholarships. Several scholarship online databases make finding appropriate awards easy. Check out and for more information.

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Giorgio Agamben
Chantal Akerman
Pierre Aubenque
Alain Badiou
Lewis Baltz
Jean Baudrillard
Yve-Alain Bois
Catherine Breillat
Victor Burgin
Judith Butler
Diane Davis
Manuel DeLanda
Claire Denis
Tracey Emin
Bracha Ettinger
Chris Fynsk
Peter Greenaway
Werner Hamacher
Donna Haraway
Michael Hardt
Martin Hielscher
Michel Houellebecq
Shelley Jackson
Claude Lanzmann
Colum McCann
Carl Mitcham
Jean-Luc Nancy
Cornelia Parker
Jacques Rancière
Laurence Rickels
Avital Ronell
Wolfgang Schirmacher
Volker Schlöndorff
Michael Schmidt
Hendrik Speck
DJ Spooky/Paul Miller
Bruce Sterling
Sandy Stone
Fred Ulfers
Gregory Ulmer
Agnès Varda
Victor Vitanza
H. von Amelunxen
Samuel Weber
Lebbeus Woods
Krzysztof Zanussi
Siegfried Zielinski
Slavoj Zizek