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EGS StarEuropean Graduate School — PhD in Communications — Plan of Studies
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Ph.D. in Communication

Post-Graduate Plan of Studies

All EGS seminars, workshops and colloquia are offered in intensive formats at the Campus in Saas-Fee, by professors of international reputation in their particular area of expertise: philosophy, psychology, anthropology and sociology of communication, film, art, literary theory, cultural and technology studies

Admission Requirements

Students applying for admission to the post-graduate studies program of the European Graduate School must have a Master's Degree (or its European equivalent). Students who have begun their studies at another accredited graduate school may apply to the EGS for up to 18 credits.

A minimum of four years is required for completion of the Ph.D. degree. ABDs from US or Canadian universities may be granted a waiver of one residency. The same waiver is available for students pursuing a second doctorate.

Admissions are conducted throughout the academic year (until the first day of classes) and you can be ensured of an expedient response within three weeks. The EGS is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination. All applications will be evaluated strictly on the basis of academic excellence and professional achievement.

Enrollment is carried out on a first come, first serve basis. Half the tuition must be paid at the time of enrollment, the other half by March 15 (or with the permission of the program director latest by the beginning of the summer residency).

Intensive Seminars

During the EGS residencies students engage in an intensive learning experience. A total of 41 credits will be acquired in post-graduate studies toward the Ph.D. degree, and a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies (CAGS) is issued upon completion of all course work and examinations. Enrollment in Dissertation Supervision follows at the beginning of the third year. In each of the two supervision years students will attend a 4-credit PhD Colloquium in Saas-Fee which results in a total of 49 credits earned which is considered the minimum for graduation. It is expected that doctoral students enroll in additional classes and reach a total of 60 credits (which hiring committees will appreciate).

After successfully completing their first two years of post-graduate studies Ph.D. candidates may, with the help of a chosen Core Faculty Member (Dissertation Director), apply for admission to Phase I of Doctoral Studies (third year) in which a research project and a dissertation proposal is to be undertaken. With the beginning of the fourth year the students enter Phase II of Doctoral Studies which comprises the completion of the dissertation, its public defense and final approval by the Doctoral Committee.

Graduation Requirements

A Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies (qualifying exam) indicates fulfillment of the graduation requirements for Ph.D. candidates. Students must pass all seminars and the dissertation must be accepted and demonstrate excellence. Standards for this qualification are established by the faculty and announced in advance of the class and dissertation work — please consult the PhD Handbook.


The recognized degree issued by the European Graduate School and authorized by the Minister of Education of the Swiss canton of Wallis is a Doctor of Philosophy / Dr.phil. (The degree is also signed by two representatives in the EGS Doctoral Program Council of cooperating universities from Germany and the USA).

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Giorgio Agamben
Chantal Akerman
Pierre Aubenque
Alain Badiou
Lewis Baltz
Jean Baudrillard
Yve-Alain Bois
Catherine Breillat
Victor Burgin
Judith Butler
Diane Davis
Manuel DeLanda
Claire Denis
Tracey Emin
Bracha Ettinger
Chris Fynsk
Peter Greenaway
Werner Hamacher
Donna Haraway
Michael Hardt
Martin Hielscher
Michel Houellebecq
Shelley Jackson
Claude Lanzmann
Colum McCann
Carl Mitcham
Jean-Luc Nancy
Cornelia Parker
Jacques Rancière
Laurence Rickels
Avital Ronell
Wolfgang Schirmacher
Volker Schlöndorff
Michael Schmidt
Hendrik Speck
DJ Spooky/Paul Miller
Bruce Sterling
Sandy Stone
Fred Ulfers
Gregory Ulmer
Agnès Varda
Victor Vitanza
H. von Amelunxen
Samuel Weber
Lebbeus Woods
Krzysztof Zanussi
Siegfried Zielinski
Slavoj Zizek