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Application for the Communication Programs
at the European Graduate School

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Giorgio Agamben
Chantal Akerman
Pierre Aubenque
Alain Badiou
Lewis Baltz
Jean Baudrillard
Yve-Alain Bois
Catherine Breillat
Victor Burgin
Judith Butler
Diane Davis
Manuel DeLanda
Claire Denis
Tracey Emin
Bracha Ettinger
Chris Fynsk
Peter Greenaway
Werner Hamacher
Donna Haraway
Michael Hardt
Martin Hielscher
Michel Houellebecq
Shelley Jackson
Claude Lanzmann
Colum McCann
Carl Mitcham
Jean-Luc Nancy
Cornelia Parker
Jacques Rancière
Laurence Rickels
Avital Ronell
Wolfgang Schirmacher
Volker Schlöndorff
Michael Schmidt
Hendrik Speck
DJ Spooky/Paul Miller
Bruce Sterling
Sandy Stone
Fred Ulfers
Gregory Ulmer
Agnès Varda
Victor Vitanza
H. von Amelunxen
Samuel Weber
Lebbeus Woods
Krzysztof Zanussi
Siegfried Zielinski
Slavoj Zizek