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The European Graduate School

Panorama of one of the cable cars in the village of Saas-Fee, Wallis.
EGS Classrooms in Saas-Fee, Wallis.
EGS Classrooms & Audience Hall

TThe EGS is a privately funded Graduate School, established in 1994, and chartered as graduate and post-graduate degree-granting University, with a Campus in Saas-Fee, Wallis. The EGS is accredited by permission of the State Council (Staatsrat) of the State and Canton Wallis, Switzerland, to award recognized Master (M.A.) and Ph.D. (Dr.phil.) degrees and is formally recognized as university in Wallis by Staatsratsbeschluss (State Council decision, from June 20, 2002).

In recognition of the benefits of international scientific exchange the EGS has established a curricular cooperation with universities in other countries, especially in Europe and the USA: Academy of Media Arts, Cologne; Graduate School for Music and Theater, Hamburg; International School for New Media Luebeck; Graduate School for Music, Munich; International Graduate School for Arts Therapy & Creative Pedagogy, Calw (Germany); University of Arts, Berlin; University of Split, Croatia; Appalachian State University, North Carolina; California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco; Clemson University, South Carolina; 17, Instituto de Estudios Críticos, Mexico City; Beit Berl College Israel; NSCAD University, Nova Scotia, Canada; University of Pristina, Kosovo.

EGS European Graduate School Foundation (EGSF)

Chairman: Dr. Fritz Schaeren
Vice-Chairman: Dr. Felix Zurbriggen

Board of Trustees
Dr. phil. Herbert Eberhart
Dr. Kurt Grünwald
Prof. Dr. Martin Hielscher
Lisette Imhof
Univ. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kriz
Peter Margelist, Representative of Ministery of Education, Wallis

Administration of EGS
President and Provost:
Prof. Emerit. Dr. h.c. P.J. Knill, Ph.D.

Media and Communications
Dean: Fred Ulfers
Program Director: Wolfgang Schirmacher
Chief Information Officer: Hendrik Speck

Panorama of the village of Saas-Fee, Wallis.

Within the last decades the field of communication has shifted its focus from mass communication, journalism, and interpersonal communication to media theory, cultural studies, media arts, and Web 2.0.The transdisciplinary turn of communication studies deals critically and creatively with information technology and media, the 'software' of society as well as the fabric of private life. At the core of this comprehensive approach to communication is a media philosophy which emphasizes the human condition and our life technologies. Our questions concern aesthetics and ethics in theory and practice with special consideration given to the sociology and psychology of advanced communication technologies. Our broad understanding of communications integrates emphatically all art forms from poetry to cinema, from music to experimental architecture, from writing to new media.

EGS Classrooms in Saas-Fee, Wallis.
EGS Classrooms & Audience Hall

This is reflected in our graduate and post-graduate studies drawn from cutting-edge theories and style-setting creative projects, exploring the cultural differences between Europe, America and Asia. Leading faculty from American and European universities and art institutions are joined by renowned filmmakers, artists, writers, musicians to guarantee innovative methods of teaching and learning with a high level of student participation.


Degrees offered:
Ph.D. in Communication
M.A. in Communication



European Graduate School
Media & Communications Division
Ringacker, CH-3953 Leuk-Stadt,
Phone: +41-27-474 9917
Fax: +41-27-474 9969

New York Mailing Address:

European Graduate School
Media and Communications
151 First Ave #14
New York, NY 10003, USA
Phone: +1 (212) 254 5267 fax +1 (646) 417 5922

Professor Sandy Stone with students in Saas-Fee, Wallis.
Professor Sandy Stone with students

Note: The European Graduate School reserves the right to modify or discontinue seminars, to amend the scale of fees, or to amend any other information without prior notice.

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Giorgio Agamben
Chantal Akerman
Pierre Aubenque
Alain Badiou
Lewis Baltz
Jean Baudrillard
Yve-Alain Bois
Catherine Breillat
Victor Burgin
Judith Butler
Diane Davis
Manuel DeLanda
Claire Denis
Tracey Emin
Bracha Ettinger
Chris Fynsk
Peter Greenaway
Werner Hamacher
Donna Haraway
Michael Hardt
Martin Hielscher
Michel Houellebecq
Shelley Jackson
Claude Lanzmann
Colum McCann
Carl Mitcham
Jean-Luc Nancy
Cornelia Parker
Jacques Rancière
Laurence Rickels
Avital Ronell
Wolfgang Schirmacher
Volker Schlöndorff
Michael Schmidt
Hendrik Speck
DJ Spooky/Paul Miller
Bruce Sterling
Sandy Stone
Fred Ulfers
Gregory Ulmer
Agnès Varda
Victor Vitanza
H. von Amelunxen
Samuel Weber
Lebbeus Woods
Krzysztof Zanussi
Siegfried Zielinski
Slavoj Zizek