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17-Sep-2007 Mars Science Laboratory Project Changes Respond to Cost Increases, Keep Mars Program On Track
In this image, a large, six-wheeled rover sits on a concrete floor in a laboratory against a light-blue background.  The rover's 'legs,' or mobility system are a medium blue color and the large, cleated wheels are shiny silver.  On top of the mobility system is a silver-colored triangle that represents where the heart and brains of the rover will go when it is complete.

In early June 2007, the Mars Science Laboratory project completed its project-wide Critical Design Review (CDR), which marks the completion of the project's design phase and transition into the build up of flight hardware. A key component of the CDR process was a technical risk, programmatic, and cost review, from which multiple independent cost assessments predicted that this technically challenging $1.7B planetary science rover mission's current content would cause it to exceed its budgeted development costs to launch by approximately $75M.

Scheduled to launch in the fall of 2009, Mars Science Laboratory is the next step of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the red planet. Mars Science Laboratory is a rover that will assess a variety of scientific objectives, including whether Mars ever was, or is still today, an environment able to support microbial life. The rover will carry the biggest, most advanced suite of instruments for scientific studies ever sent to the Martian surface. Dozens of samples of Mars soil and rocks as the rover makes its travels will be analyzed by MSL to detect chemical building blocks of life as well as what the Martian environment was like in the past.

Because the success of MSL is of course of high importance to NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD), SMD, working with the MSL Project and Mars Program at JPL, concluded that the MSL project required some focused and prudent reductions in scope in order to better ensure project success. Furthermore, because all of the funds MSL requested were not available in the Mars Exploration Program reserves pool, and because SMD did not want to impact other current or future science missions to fund these new costs, the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters has been working closely with the MSL project and the science community to identify mission scope reductions to minimize the project's need for funds, while minimizing both technical risk and impacts to the mission's science return.

As a result of this careful process, a combination of low-impact mission scope reductions and some new funding from the Mars Program's reserves pool, has been agreed upon. Together these measures effectively resolve the MSL cost increase issues identified at its CDR.

Engineering changes to the mission include some reductions in design complexity, reductions in planned spares, some simplifications of flight software, and some ground test program changes. These changes were selected largely to help reduce mission risks. Changes in mission science content were limited to removal of the Mars Descent Imager (MARDI), the MASTCAM zoom capability from the mission, and a change from a rock grinding tool to a rock brushing tool. As noted by the science input NASA received, most of MARDI's capability can be provided by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's HiRise camera now in orbit and working successfully. Furthermore, NASA has directed that the project expend no additional funds on ChemCam, and cost-cap SAM and CheMin at their current budgets. Future budget requests for these instruments cannot be funded. However none of the roving instruments were removed from the payload, and the science team also remains entirely intact.

"I am very pleased that we were able to resolve this challenge to the Mars Program without delaying or canceling any other mission in the Mars Program or other parts of SMD, and we avoided impacting Research and Analysis. We were also able to reduce some risks in MSL's development and flight." said Dr. Alan Stern, NASA's Associate Administrator for Science. "The MSL project, Mars Program, JPL and NASA HQ worked together to constrain the impacts to the Mars Program and keep MSL on schedule for its launch in 2009, and we all feel we succeeded." added Doug McCuistion, Mars Program Director.

27-June-2007 Shutterbugs Shoot 'Scarecrow'
In this image, about a dozen people watch the large Scarecrow rover drive over a grayish orange boulder in an outdoor sandbox.  Scarecrow is about the size of a small compact car.  Its 'legs,' (mobility system) are a vibrant blue color and its large wheels are silver and covered in chevron-like cleats.  Members of the media hold cameras.

On June 19, 2007, media visited JPL's newly expanded outdoor Mars Yard where rovers train for future planetary missions. Visitors were treated to a test drive of the "Scarecrow" rover. Scarecrow might still be missing its computer "brains," but it certainly showed off its monster appetite for large boulders, making easy work of traversing them. In early 2008, assembly of this hefty, hyper-capable rover will begin.

10-May-2007 Mars Science Laboratory - Less Than a Year from Assembly and Testing Phase
In this image, a large, six-wheeled rover sits on a concrete floor in a laboratory against a light-blue background.  The rover's 'legs,' or mobility system are a medium blue color and the large, cleated wheels are shiny silver.  On top of the mobility system is a silver-colored triangle that represents where the heart and brains of the rover will go when it is complete.

The 2009 Mars Science Laboratory, the mammoth grandchild of the 1997 Sojourner rover, is less than one year from the assembly, test and launch operations phase (ATLO). With its immense increase in size comes advanced abilities in power, technology and science data collection. In early 2008, the team will start the flight vehicle assembly and testing, simulating on earth every challenge the brave new traveler will face during the mission.

"We have moved from paper designs to real hardware and software," said Matt Wallace MSL Flight System Manager. "To name a few of the things that have happened lately: the first control and power electronics have been delivered to the testbed, our mobility and touchdown test vehicle is assembled and rolling, the initial versions of the software code for our guided precision landing are running and the landing engines were qualified for flight. MSL is a much more complex spacecraft than those we've sent before, so our assembly and testing is going to be really challenging."

Teams that represent every rover subsystem are working furiously to meet deadlines and overcome challenges to ensure that the most advanced rover to go to Mars will make its date with destiny.

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration