../plan.css"> The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Vision and Mission

The Commission(1) is over 36 years old, yet its mission today is as vital as it was when it was formed as a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In a message to employees, Chair Dominguez said: "... I believe that EEOC is a very special agency, rich in history. At my swearing-in, I said that the building materials used to erect this agency are not the typical ones; rather they include the blood, sweat, tears and struggles of those who saw wrong and tried to right it. I can think of no richer legacy, nor a more important mission, than the one we are here to discharge." Our Mission Statement conveys to employers and employees alike that "... no worker [will] be left behind for reasons as wasteful and abhorrent as prejudice and discrimination. ... [EEOC's] mission captures the promise of America and the mandate of our times."

Our Vision

Become the World's Preeminent Civil Rights Employment Law Agency and Serve as the Standard Bearer for Excellence in Outreach, Enforcement and Professionalism.

Our Mission

Eradicate Employment Discrimination at the Workplace.

1. EEOC, Commission and agency are used interchangeably throughout this Report.

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