USGS Water Resources Information

Contaminants in the Mississippi River, 1987-92

Reston, Virginia, 1995

Edited by Robert H. Meade


Circular 1133 cover



1. Dissolved Contaminants
Map showing average water discharges and graphs showing average concentration of dissolved contaminants in the Mississippi River and some of its major tributaries (116K JPEG)
2. Contaminants in Suspended Sediment
Map showing average suspended-sediment discharges and graphs showing average concentrations of contaminants adsorbed on suspended-silt particles in the Mississippi River and some of its major tributaries(99K JPEG)
3. Contaminants in Bed Sediments
Map showing navigation pools and graphs showing concentrations of contaminants stored in bed sediments of the Upper Mississippi River (99K JPEG)
4. Geologic Settings
Maps and Vignettes of the Mississippi River showing different geologic settings (132K JPEG)
5.Water Discharge
Map and graphs showing long-term averages, year-to-year, and seasonal variations in suspended-sediment discharge of the Mississippi River (99K JPEG)
6. Suspended-Sediment Discharge
Maps and graphs showing long-term averages, year-to-date, and seasonal variations in suspended-sediment discharge of the Mississippi River.(83K JPEG)
7. Particle Sizes of Sediments
Graphs showing particle sizes of suspended and bed sediments of the Mississippi River (83K JPEG)
8. Effects of Reservoirs
Graphs and photographs showing the effects of reservoirs on sediment in the Mississippi River and its tributaries (99K JPEG)
9. Engineering Activities
Photographs showing engineering works and activities along the Mississippi River: levees, wing dams, bank revetment, and dredging (99K JPEG)
10. Major Engineering Works
Photographs and graphs of major navigation and water-diversion structures on the Mississippi(83K JPEG)
11. Discharge of River Water
Graph showing mean annual water discharge of the Mississippi River (33k JPEG)
12. Dissolved Solids in River Waters
Graph and map showing dissolved-solids concentrations in the Mississippi River and its major tributary basins (116K JPEG)
13.Hardness or River Waters
Graph and map showing hardness of waters in the Mississippi River and its major tributary basins (116K JPEG)
14. Nitrate in River Waters
Graph and map showing concentrations of nitrate in waters of the Mississippi river and its major tributary basins (116K JPEG)
15. Population Stress
Graph and map showing population stress on waters of the Mississippi River and its major tributary basins (116K JPEG)
16. Research Vessel
Photograph of Research Vessel Acadiana from which most samples were collected (66K JPEG)
17. Sampled Sites
Maps showing principal sites where flowing waters were sampled (66K JPEG)
18. Sampling Flowing Waters
Graph and photographs of techniques and equipment used to sample flowing waters (99K JPEG)
19. Sampling Navigation Pools
Maps showing navigation pools of the Upper Mississippi River and a typical areal pattern of sampling of bed sediments (99K JPEG)
20. Sampling Bed Sediments
Photographs or techniques and equipment used to sample bed sediments (17K JPEG)
21. Sources and Sinks of Heavy Metals
Diagram showing principal sources, transfer mechanisms; and sinks of heavy metals in the Mississippi River (83K JPEG)
22. Lead in River Waters and Sediments
Map and pie diagrams showing distributions of lead in waters and suspended sediments of the Mississippi River during July-August 1991 (99K JPEG)
23. Mercury in River Waters and Sediments
Map and pie diagrams showing distributions of mercury in waters and suspended sediments of the Mississippi River during October-November 1991 (99K JPEG)
24. Lead in Silts and Colloids
Graph showing concentrations of lead absorbed by suspended silts and colloids in the Mississippi River, July-August 1991 (66K JPEG)
25. Range of Lead Dissolved in River Waters
Graph showing concentrations of dissolved lead in water of the Mississippi River, 1987-92 (50K JPEG)
26. Uranium and Copper Dissolved in River Waters
Graphs showing concentrations and transports of dissolved uranium and copper in the Mississippi River, April-May 1992 (83K JPEG)
27. Mercury Dissolved in River Waters
Graph showing concentration of dissolved mercury in the Mississippi River, September-October 1991 (50K JPEG)
28. Metals Dissolved in River Waters
Graph showing ranges of concentrations of dissolved cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, and uranium in the Mississippi River, 1991-92 (33K JPEG)
29. Lead and Mercury in Bed Sediments
Map and graphs showing concentrations of lead and mercury, in relation to those of fine particles and organic carbon, in the bed sediments of the Upper Mississippi River, 1991-92 (83K JPEG)
30. Nutrients Dissolved in River Waters
Graphs showing ranges of concentrations of dissolved nitrate, orthophosphate, ammonium, and nitrite in the Mississippi River and its tributaries, 1979-92 (66K JPEG)
31. Nitrate in River Waters
Graph showing annual mean concentrations of nitrate plus nitrite at five sampling stations on the Mississippi River, 1979-92 (50K JPEG)
32. Nitrate Variations Through Time
Map and graphs showing time series of nitrate concentrations in the Mississippi, Illinois, Missouri, and Ohio Rivers, March 1991-September 1991 (99K JPEG)
33. Ammonium Variations Through Time
Map and graphs showing time series of ammonium concentrations in the Mississippi, Illinois, Missouri, and Ohio Rivers, March 1991-September 1992 (99K JPEG)
34. Nutrient Concentrations
Graphs showing concentrations of orthophosphate, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium in the Mississippi River, June-July 1991, and March-April 1991 (99K JPEG)
35. Nutrient Transports
Graph showing transports of orthophosphate, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium in the Mississippi River, June-July 1991 (66K JPEG)
36. Nitrate Sources
Pie diagrams showing sources of nitrate and water discharge in the Mississippi River and its drainage basin (33K JPEG)
37. Nitrogen Applied to Croplands
Map showing use of nitrogen fertilizers on croplands in the United States, 1991 (99K JPEG)
38. Harvested Croplands
Map showing areal distribution of harvested croplands in the United States (99K JPEG)
39. Herbicides Applied to Croplands
Graph showing 20 most-used herbicides, and map showing use of atrazine in the United States (132K JPEG)
40. Pesticides in the River
Graph showing concentrations of 32 pesticides and pesticide-degradation products in the Mississippi River, 1987-92 (99K JPEG)
41. Atrazine Variations Through Time
Map and graphs showing time series of atrazine concentrations in the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio Rivers, April 1991-September 1992 (99K JPEG)
42. Herbicide Variations Through Time
Graph showing time series of streamflow and concentrations of atrzine, cyanazine, and metolachlor in the Mississippi River at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, April 1991-September 1992 (50K JPEG)
43. Atrazine at Vicksburg
Graph showing annual maxima, means and minima of concentration of atrzine in the Mississippi River at Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1976-92 (50K JPEG)
44. Atrazine Along the River
Graph showing concentrations of atrzine in the Mississippi River during five sampling cruises, 1990-92 (50K JPEG)
45. Herbicide Transports
Maps and graphs showing transports of atrazine, cyanazine, metolachlor, and alachlor in the Mississippi, Illinois, Missouri, and Ohio Rivers during April 1991-September 1992 (99K JPEG)
46. Hexachlorobenzene and PCBs in Silts
Graphs showing concentrations of hexachlorobenzene and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on suspended silts in the Mississippi River during March 1989 and June 1989 (66K JPEG)
47. PCBs from Ohio and Missouri Rivers
Graphs showing concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on suspended silts in the Lower Mississippi River when the major source of suspended sediment was the Ohio River (March 1990) and the Missouri River (June 1990) (50K JPEG)
48. PCBs in Silts and Colloids
Graphs showing the concentration and transport of polychlorinate biphenyls (PCBs) adsorbed by suspended silt and colloid in the Mississippi River, July-August 1991 (66K JPEG)
49. PCBs in Bed Sediments
Graphs showing the concentrations of polychlorinate biphenyls (PCBs) in bed sediments stored in the navigation pools of the Upper Mississippi River (66K JPEG)
50. Chlordane and PCBs in Catfish
Graphs showing concentrations of chlordane and polychlorinate biphenyls (PCBs) in catfish in the Mississippi River, July-August 1987 (50K JPEG)
51. Fate of Contaminants in the River
Diagram showing processes controlling the fate of organic contaminants in the Mississippi River (99K JPEG)
52. Surfactants in the River
Graph showing annual ranges of concentration of methylene-blue-active substances in the Mississippi River, 1963-76, 1992 (66K JPEG)
53. Fecal Coliforms in the River (Not Available)
Graph showing annual ranges of concentration of methylene-blue-active substances in the Mississippi River, 1963-76, 1992
54.Wastewater Contaminants along the River
Graphs showing temperature and specific conductance, and concentrations of dissolved organic carbon, methylene-blue-active substances, linear alkylbenzene-sulfonate, and adsorbable organic halogen in the Mississippi River, 1991-92 (116K JPEG)
55. Wastewater Contaminants in Bed Sediments
Graphs showing concentrations of linear alkybenzenesulfonate, coprostanol, and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in bed sediments stored in the navigation pools of the Upper Mississippi River (83K JPEG)
56. Caffeine and EDTA in River Waters
Graphs showing the concentrations of dissolved caffeine and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in the Mississippi River and its tributaries, 1992-92 (83K JPEG)
57. TTT and Flame Retardants in River Waters
Graphs showing the concentrations of dissolved 1,3,5-trimethyl-2,4,6-triazinetrione and trihaloalkylphosphates in the Mississippi River and its tributaries, 1987-92 (83K JPEG)
58. Volatile Contaminants in the River
Graphs showing concentrations of volatile organic compounds detected in the Mississippi River, 1991-92 (66K JPEG)
59. Graphs showing potentials for forming trihalomethane
and nonpurgeable total organic halides from Mississippi River water collected during summer 1991 and adjusted to three level of acidity (33K JPEG)
60.Graphs showing reaction times for forming trihalomethane
and nonpurgeable total organic halides from Mississippi River water collected at Minneapolie, Minnesota, Memphis, Tennessee, and New Orleans, Louisiana, during summer 1991 (33K JPEG)


1. Classification of naturally occurring metals according to their toxicity and availability in the hydrologic environment.
2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency maximum contaminant levels for heavy-metal concentrations in drinking water and water supporting aquatic life, and criteria for open-water disposal of polluted sediments.
3. Selected heavy metals presently or formerly used in major industries along the Mississippi River.
4. Average releases of heavy metals into the Mississippi River from a large metropolitan wastewater-treatment plant in St. Paul, Minnesota.
5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for nitrogenous nutrients in drinking water.
6. Sources of nutrients in surface waters.
7. Summary statistics of nutrient concentrations during 1991-92 in the Mississippi River and all measure tributaries.
8. Physiochemical properties, health-based limits for drinking water, and aquatic-life guidelines for selected major pesticides in the Mississippi River Basin.
9. Estimated loads of pesticides, in kilograms, transported by the Mississippi River and major tributaries, April 1991 through March 1992.
10. Organic compounds measured to evaluate wastewater contamination of the Mississippi River, 19987-92.
11. Summary assessment of organic contaminants in the Mississippi River and its major tributaries.



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Contaminants in the Mississippi River
Reston, Virginia, 1995
Edited by Robert H. Meade

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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Page Contact Information: Publishing Service Center
Last modified: Wednesday, August 31 2005, 04:51:23 PM
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