Yes, please list our facility in the Directory of Providers of Emergency Contraception (there is no charge to be listed). If your facility is already listed in the Directory and you need to make a change to the listing, please click here. For questions about being listed in the directory of providers, please contact
By completing this form, I acknowledge that:
  • I have the authority to include this facility in the Directory.
  • Our facility regularly stocks and provides emergency contraception to eligible clients who request it and/or prescribes emergency contraception.
  • We have procedures in place to prevent clients from being denied access to emergency contraception in our facility due to personal objections of our staff.
  • We will notify our staff (especially those who answer the phone) that we carry and/or prescribe emergency contraception (Plan B®) and will be listed in the Directory.
Name of facility: *
Street Address: *
Suite or Building:
City: *
State: *
Country: *
Zip/Postal Code: *
Telephone Number unique to this address (each listing must have a different number) *
Telephone number for public display (if different from above) (not required; first number will be used if nothing is entered)
Toll Free Number:
We are a: *
If your practice EXCLUSIVELY sees only certain types of patients, please indicate by checking the appropriate items below:
College/University Health Service
Indian Health Service
Military Health Service
Health Maintenance Organization
Established Clients
Other (please specify)
Do you accept Medicaid Patients? * Yes
PHARMACIES ONLY: Do you serve women under 18 without prescription under collaborative agreement (or other similar mechanism)? Yes
No (clinics and health centers should choose "no")
CLINICS and HEALTH CENTERS: Do you stock Plan B at your facility Yes, we stock Plan B.
No, but we can provide a prescription for Plan B
Do you offer EC on-line? * Yes (if so please provide URL):
Administrative Contact Information
To complete your listing, we require contact information for an administrator at your facility. We will contact this person annually to electronically verify your listing. We will also contact this person if we receive any user comments about your services. This information will not be part of your Directory listing.
Contact Name: *
Direct Telephone: *
Email: *
Alternate email:
Because annual renewal listings will be done electronically, we must be able to reach you by email. Please provide an alternate email that is not likely to change in the event of staffing changes (i.e. or
Name of person completing form: *
Email of person completing form: *
Verification code: *
Please type the numbers shown above into the text box below:

This website is operated by the Office of Population Research at Princeton University and by the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals and has no connection with any pharmaceutical company or for-profit organization. This website is peer reviewed by a panel of independent experts.