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Family Life/Careers & Employment/Own Your Own Business

Military Spouse Corporate Career Network  
  The Military Spouse Corporate Career Network ("MSCCN") is providing career opportunities and job portability for military spouses. Simply put, the MSCCN seeks to help military spouses find jobs and continue careers throughout the years of a military member's service.

Corporate Career Network Finds Jobs for Military Spouses  
  MSCCN was initiated by Deb Kloeppel, a very dedicated military spouse, who invented Military Spouse Corporate Career Network (MSSCN) to help Navy and other military spouses with career opportunities and job portability. Check out her service!

We're Moving, and My Job's Coming, Too!  
  Relocation doesn't necessarily mean you have to quit your job. Learn about jobs for military spouses that can travel with them, as well as some advice for working from home or starting your own business.

Investing in a Franchise Is Like Getting Hitched
  This article is about investing in a franchise. It defines a franchise, discusses the laws and rules affecting them, and questions to ask. Links to, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Better Business Bureau, the American Association of Franchisees & Dealers, .and the Virtual Franchise Expo.

SBA Supports Disadvantaged Small Businesses  
  This article is about how the Small Business Association (SBA) helps socially and economically disadvantaged business owners. It discusses how to become certified as disadvantaged, guaranteed loans, micro-loans, and help for women-owned businesses. Links to several SBA websites and programs.

Start Right for Success in Small-Business Ownership  
  How the Small Business Administration (SBA) can help one start and run a small business via its startup kit and through its Small Business Development Centers.

Working From Home: What You Need to Know  
  With today's technology, it is possible to work from home. There are many types of home-based businesses and it is important to do some research before choosing one. Learn about bookkeeping, taxes, insurance, a business license, phone lines and Internet service, and shipping.

10 Tips on Starting a Small Business
  Have you thought about starting your own business? It is possible. Learn how to start a small business, write a business plan, choose a company name, build a website, and market your business.




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