USGS - science for a changing world

Toxic Substances Hydrology Program


Invited Talk on Methylmercury Contamination of Aquatic Ecosystems: A Widespread Problem with Many Challenges for the Chemical Sciences

USGS scientist David P. Krabbenhoft was invited to give a presentation on "Methylmercury Contamination of Aquatic Ecosystems: A Widespread Problem with Many Challenges for the Chemical Sciences" at the "Water and Sustainable Development: Opportunities for the Chemical Sciences Workshop," Irvine, California, June 2-3, 2003. The workshop was convened by the National Research Council’s Chemical Sciences Roundtable and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The Chemical Sciences Roundtable convened the workshop to investigate such questions as "What role does water play in sustainable development?", "What are the impacts of inadequate water supplies in various human activities?", and "What can be done to increase the supply of pure fresh water?" Dr. Krabbenhoft presented the latest results of research on the fate of methylmercury in aquatic ecosystems.

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