USGS - science for a changing world

Toxic Substances Hydrology Program


Contaminants And Biogeochemical Cycles In The Greater Everglades

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and it partners sponsored the Joint Conference on the Science and Restoration of the Greater Everglades and Florida Bay Ecosystem--From Kissimmee to the Keys, Palm Harbor, Florida, April 13-18, 2003. The Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Systems Science Conference and the Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration (G.E.E.R.) Science Conference were combined to create one large conference. The USGS’s Toxic Substances Hydrology Program and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, South Florida Field Office, cosponsored a special session at the joint conference on "Contaminants And Biogeochemical Cycles In The Greater Everglades."

Presentations from Toxics Program Researchers at the Session

  • Sulfur Contamination and Geochemistry of the Everglades, by William Orem, Harry Lerch, Anne Bates, Margo Corum and Marisa Beck, USGS
  • Interactions of Dissolved Organic Matter with Mercury in the Florida Everglades, by George Aiken, USGS
  • Unraveling the Complexities of Mercury Methylation in the Everglades: The Use of Mesocosms to Test the Effects of "New" Mercury, Sulfate, Phosphate, and Dissolved Organic Carbon, by David P. Krabbenhoft, William H. Orem, George Aiken, USGS; Cynthia Gilmour, Academy of Natural Sciences
  • Biogeochemical and Hydrologic Controls on Food Web Structure in the Everglades - Carol Kendall, Bryan E. Bemis, and Scott D. Wankel, USGS; Ted Lange, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; David P. Krabbenhoft, USGS
  • Using Nitrogen and Carbon Isotopes to Explain Mercury Variability in Largemouth Bass, by Bryan E. Bemis and Carol Kendall, USGS; Ted Lange, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; Linda Campbell, National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada
  • Is Food Web Structure a Main Control on Mercury Concentrations in Fish in the Everglades?, by Carol Kendall and Bryan E. Bemis, USGS; Joel Trexler, Florida International University; Ted Lange, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; Q. Jerry Stober, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • Effects of Microhabitats on Stable Isotopic Composition of Biota in the Florida Everglades, by Scott D. Wankel and Carol Kendall, USGS; Paul McCormick and Robert Shuford, South Florida Water Management District


  • David P. Krabbenhoft, USGS, Toxic Substances Hydrology Program, Middleton, WI
  • Robert A. Frakes, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, South Florida Field Office (SFFO), Vero Beach, FL

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