USGS - science for a changing world

Toxic Substances Hydrology Program


7th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant

USGS scientists sampling
USGS scientists sampling "Cynder Pool" geyser in the Norris Basin of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, for dissolved mercury. Norris Basin is historically known for high sulfur and mercury levels.
(click on image for larger version)

The U.S. Geological Survey helped organize the 7th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 27-July 2, 2004. The objective of the conference was:

  • To promote the sound management of mercury contamination at local, regional and global scales.
  • To support the exchange of information on the fate of mercury in the environment between scientists, industrialists, and policy makers.
  • To encourage a sound scientific understanding of the distribution, pathways and effects of mercury on human health and the environment.
  • To provide a forum for the further enhancement of the scientific understanding of the fate of mercury in the environment.

USGS scientists played a key role in the conference by serving on the steering committee, sponsoring a special session, and giving presentations.

Presentations by USGS Authors

  • Mercury Strategy for the San Francisco Bay-Delta Ecosystem: A Unifying Framework for Science, Adaptive Management, and Ecological Restoration, by James Wiener, Cynthia Gilmour & David Krabbenhoft
  • Mercury and methylmercury budgets for the first two years of Hg stable isotope additions to METAALICUS Lake 658, by Cynthia Gilmour, Chris Babiarz, Ken Beaty, Holger Hintelmann, James Hurley, David Krabbenhoft, Steven Lindberg, Ken Sandilands, Michael Turner & Reed Harris
  • Monitoring of mercury in water, sediment, and aquatic biota to assess responses to changing atmospheric emissions, by R.A. (Drew) Bodaly, David P. Krabbenhoft, Michael C. Newman & James G. Wiener
  • Towards a Hypolimnetic Mass Balance: Results from the Mercury Experiment to Assess Atmospheric Loading In Canada and the United States (METAALICUS), by Christopher Babiarz, James Hurley, David Krabbenhoft, Shawn Chadwick, Tara Trinko & Michael Tate
  • Are uplands the key to understanding possible lag times for ecosystem recovery to reduced mercury loading? Results from the first two years of mercury stable isotope additions to the uplands of the METAALICUS project, by David Krabbenhoft, Michael Tate, Mark Olson, John DeWild, Shane Olund, John Rudd, Carol Kelly, Andrew Heyes, Ken Beaty, James Hurley, Vince St. Louis, Jennifer Graydon & Reed Harris
  • Trophic Transfer of Mercury in the Lower Food Web of Lakes in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota, USA, by Kristofer Rolfhus, James Wiener & Mark Sandheinrich
  • A New Dynamic Chamber for Examining the Exchange of Hg(0) Between Foliage and the Atmopshere, by Jennifer A. Graydon, Vincent L. St.Louis, Holger Hintelmann, Steve E. Lindberg & Dave Krabbenhoft
  • Effect of methylmercury exposure on reproductive hormones of male northern pike (esocidae) in Voyageurs National Park, USA, by Mark Sandheinrich, Paul Drevnick, James Wiener, Brent Knights & Jeff Jeremiason
  • Results from the METAALICUS intercalibration program on measuring ambient and excess isotopic concentrations of HgT and MeHg in environmental samples, by Holger Hintelmann, Marc Amyot, Bob Flett, Cynthia C. Gilmour, Andrew Heyes, James P. Hurley, David P. Krabbenhoft, Steve Lindberg & Vincent L. St.Louis
  • A Receptor-based Approach to Understanding Sources of Reactive Mercury in the Atmosphere, by Helen Manolopoulos, James Schauer, Todd Rudolph, Mark Olson, Dave Krabbenhoft, Jay Turner & Bruce Rodger
  • Spatial and temporal dynamics of Hg methylation in a boreal wetland: results from METALLICUS, by Andrew Heyes, Krabbenhoft David, Robert Mason & Cynthia Gilmour
  • Unraveling the Complexities of Mercury Methylation in the Everglades: The Use of Mesocosms to Test the Effects of "New" Mercury, Sulfate, and Dissolved Organic Carbon, by David Krabbenhoft, Cynthia Gilmour, William Orem & George Aiken

Conference Information

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