AL 97-4 Subject: Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security TO: Chief Executive Officers of All National Banks, Department and Division Heads, and all Examining Personnel The OCC is forwarding the attached advisory from the Department of the Treasury which provides guidance about the requirements under the Government Securities Act of 1986 to banks that buy or sell Treasury inflation-indexed securities for customers. National banks and examiners should note that the section, Capital Treatment, does not apply to bank transactions, because banks are subject to the OCC's capital regulation (12 CFR 3) and exempt from the GSA capital rules discussed in this letter. If your bank has questions regarding this letter, you may call or write the Bureau of the Public Debt, Government Securities Regulations Staff, Washington, DC 20239, (202) 219-3632. For information regarding the application of banking rules, you should contact OCC's Capital Markets Division at (202) 874-5070. Jimmy F. Barton Chief National Bank Examiner Date: April 17, 1997 Attachment