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Configuration of the Base of the Gray Limestone Aquifer in Dade County, WRIR 90-4108, figure 15
Abstract: Contours of the elevation of the base of the highly permeable gray limestone aquifer in the Tamiami Formation are shown in this map. The aquifer, as mapped, includes all intervals of the gray limestone that are at least 10 ft. thick and have an estimated hydraulic conductivity of at least 100 ft/d. Also included are highly permeable beds of coarse, shelly sands (sometimes with sandstone) that are contiguous with limestone above or below or are likely to connect laterally with the limestone.
Metadata: dade_config_base_glime_arc
Shapefile: dade_config_base_glime_arc [ZIP 16 KB]
Online Report: WRIR 90-4108
Browse Graphic: Configuration of the Base of the Gray Limestone Aquifer in Dade County, WRIR 90-4108, figure 15