Florida Integrated Science Center, USGS Unpublished Material Unknown sn01_1940xy vector digital data http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/ofr/02-327/ Historical aerial photographs provide critical information about existing land cover conditions for use in land cover change studies. The historic aerial photographs of the Everglades show conditions of land cover change at intervals throughout the 20th century. In a project to create a digital archives of aerial photography of the Everglades, several sets of photography from varous time periods are being cataloged and scanned. As each photograph in the set was cataloged in the archives database, information about its identity, content and condition were recorded along with general data, when available, about the camera and flight. Mosaics of the scanned imagery were also scanned, when available, or constructed if necessary. These mosaics were georeferenced and used to develop shapefiles of flight lines and to calculate approximate center points of the photographs (xy coordinates). The center point coordinates were added as attributes to the archive database. A database query provided a table that was converted to a shapefile of center point coordinates and photograph attributes. The Florida Integrated Science Center (FISC), a center of the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Biological Resources Discipline (BRD) has created a database of photography of the Florida Everglades region. This database has been imported into a geodatabase in ArcGIS 8.1 so as to facilitate the browsing and identification by researchers of historic photographs for ongoing and future scientific investigations. This data is of particular use to scientists intending to integrate the data with other spatial data, specifically those interested in the impacts of global climate change and land use change on coastal ecosystems. 19400214 19400522 ground condition Complete As needed -86.045482 -80.013831 27.308549 0.000000 None aerial photograph wetlands land cover historic photo flight line mapping None Everglades Big Cypress South Florida Dade County Collier County Monroe County Southwest Big Cypress Central Everglades None None Ann Foster U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Integrated Science Center mailing and physical address
412 NE 16th Ave., Room 250
Gainesville, FL 32601 USA
(352)372-2571 (352)374-8080 9am-5pm EST
Microsoft Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 4; ESRI ArcCatalog
Identification of entities in the photograph required the visual comparison of the photograph with digitized and hard copy maps of the region. Maps used to identify and name entities in the photographs included USGS topographic quadrangles and the "GNIS" geodataset pertaining to the Florida Geographic Data Library (FGDL) that give point coordinates and labels based on the USGS Geographic Names Information System (gnis). Point data are represented by a single pair of coordinates. The set of points for the centers of the 1940 photo collection are complete. The points were digitized mostly from reconstructed mosaics of the flight lines of photographs existing in the collection. In the case of missing,"nonexistent" photographs, several were assumed to exist based on earlier spreadsheet lists that show them as accounted for. It was possible to assign xy-coordinates to the point where the photograph is missing by estimating its location in the mosaic. It is possible that more photos from this set exist, unknown to us at the present time. In the case that more photos are discovered, the database will be updated. The center point coordinates for most of the images are not assumed to be accurate. The coordinates are estimates of the center point based on approximate locations of the images as they exist in a georeferenced mosaic. Most of the images are not georeferenced. A subset of photographs, those existing photographs pertaining to the Southern Inland and Coastal System, were georeferenced as part of a pilot project to develop a geodatabase of this area. The center point coordinates for these images are highly accurate, derived from the bounding coordinates of the georeferenced imagery. USDA, Soil Conservation Service, Project AIS 20674 1940 Untitled 1940 aerial photography black and white aerial photograph Original photography stored in the following locations: Everglades National Park, South Florida Water Management District and Collier County Natural Resource Conservation Service. 40000 black and white aerial photograph print 19400214 19400226 19400307 19400309 19400310 19400414 19400415 19400421 19400422 19400427 19400503 19400504 19400505 19400518 19400522 19400422 source photography date Photographs were cataloged individually into Everglades Historical Aerial Photographic Database. Attribute information about each photograph was recorded, including identity, content, condition as well as general information about the flight and the photography. Not complete Everglades Aerial Photographic Database - 1940 set number 1 USGS, Florida Integrated Science Center mailing and physical address
412 NE 16th Ave., Room 250
Gainesville FL 32601 USA
(352)372-2571 (352)374-8080 9am - 5pm
Photographs were scanned using UMAX Mirage II Scanner: Scan resolution of optical 800 dpi; final radiometric resolution of 8-bit per channel; tru color (RGB) compatibility; TIFF format output; images may have been subsequently rotated to ensure an orientation of north at the top-most edge of the image. Images were resampled to 300 dpi. Everglades Aerial Photographic Database - 1940 set number 1 2002 U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Integrated Science Center
412 NE 16th Ave., Room 250
Gainesville FL 32601 USA
(352)372-2571 (352)374-8080 9am - 5pm
Mosaic sheets were scanned, cropped and mosaicked to create one image. This larger image was georeferenced against a base map of the Florida coastline. This image was exported and developed into a .pdf image of the mosaics. Flight lines were digitized by estimating their position from the mosaics. A vector data file of flight lines was saved in ESRI ArcView shapefile format. Approximate center points were digitized based on the mosaic. The xy values for the center points were calculated and added as attributes to the center points vector data file. This information was copied into the archives database in Microsoft Access. A database query produced a table (.dbf) which was displayed and queried using ESRI ArcMap 8.3. The resulting shapefile shows all data points in set number 1 (1940), giving center point locations as well as other attribute data. 2003 40mos_sep13.img 40mosflightl.shp photoinfo.dbf sn01_1940xy U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Integrated Science Center mailing and physical address
412 NW 16th Ave., Room 250
Gainesville FL 32601 USA
(352)372-2571 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
Metadata imported. 2003
place names Vector Entity point 2320 Universal Transverse Mercator 17 0.999600 -81.000000 0.000000 500000.000000 0.000000 coordinate pair 0.008192 0.008192 meters North American Datum of 1983 Geodetic Reference System 80 6378137.000000 298.257222 sn01_1940xy Database table containing attributes of each known photograph in the set of photography from 1940. This is set number 1 in the series of sets documented in the entire EAPDB. Database creator. FID Internal feature number. ESRI Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. Shape Feature geometry. ESRI Coordinates defining the features. UNIQUE_PID Unique value assigned to photograph in database Autonumber field in database DATE_ Unique record number of flight information recorded in archives database Database autonumber field FLIGHTNUM Flight number Database author integer values PHOTONUM Photograph number Imprinted on photograph integer values EXISTING Whether or not the photograph physically exists 0 Nonexistent -- Photograph is missing from the set 1 Existing - Photograph exists CONTENT Physical features identified in the photograph Copied from original photography documentation and USGS Topo quads RATING Qualitative rating of the condition of the photograph Database author 1 Nonexistent -- Photograph is missing from the set 2 Poor -- Photo image extensively creased, written on, torn, pieces missing, water damaged 3 Fair -- Photo image slightly creased, written on, edges slightly torn or trimed 4 Good -- Photo image clear and free of blemishes, edges creased or worn, back stained or written on 5 Excellent -- Photo is pristine, no blemishes on front or back of photograph CONDITION Notes on the physical condition of the photograph X_COORD Easting coordinate 407231.191640 597580.280000 meters Y_COORD Northing coordinate 3020613.132680 2780630.00000 meters U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Integrated Science Center mailing and physical address
600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg FL 33701 USA
(352)372-2571 (352)374-8080 9am - 5pm EST
Downloadable Data none DBF 0.521 CD-ROM ISO 9660 none
20040210 Alisa Coffin USGS - BRD, Florida IntegratedScience Center GIS Technician mailing and physical address
412 NE 16th Ave., Rm. 250
Gainesville Florida 32601
FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata FGDC-STD-001-1998 local time http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html ESRI Metadata Profile http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html ESRI Metadata Profile http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html ESRI Metadata Profile http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html ESRI Metadata Profile http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html ESRI Metadata Profile