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U.S. Department of Labor
Employment & Training Administration

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Searching by Topic
Searching by Site
Searching by State
Searching by Region
Searching by Advisories


This search engine is designed to tailor searches to the information that is likely to be most useful to users of the DOLETA site. There are two types of searches one can perform. Simple search and Advanced search. Simple search covers the entire DOLETA site in order to allow you to search for whatever content you might need. The search technology uses an advanced natural language query engine that will locate documents which are conceptually similar to the information entered. After returning results from the search, a user is able to hone the results further by adding additional terms and clicking the "Refine Search" button. The search engine can then return more documents that are a closer match.
NOTE: If you want an exact match to a phrase you may put quotes around it. Entering "NOT" before a word (or a phrase in quotes) will exclude any pages containing the word(s). Remember that the query engine is capable of conceptually understanding the search query, so don’t be afraid to enter a full and descriptive sentence.

Simple Search

This page is best suited for those who do not have an exact search query in mind. Just enter search words or phrases in the Search text box and click "GO" button. A list of documents will be retrieved in order of relevance and created date. To narrow down the search add additional terms in the Refine search text box on the results screen and click the "Refine Search" button. The search engine can then return more documents that are a closer match. You can also find similar pages to the ones listed by clicking the Similar Pages link.

Searching by Topic

When the Advanced search link is clicked, it will take you to the Search by Topic screen. This page presents the option to narrow down your results by restricting the type of ETA websites you search. The advanced search presents you with six categories to search:

  • Workforce Community
  • Grants and Contracts
  • Job Seekers
  • Youth
  • Business
  • Research

This search page is a good way to narrow down your results to relevant topics without restricting your search to individual websites. Within the six categories you can restrict the search by selecting the checkbox. To further restrict your search you can visit the Search by Site page to select ETA websites one by one.

Searching by Site

Here you may individually select ETA websites to search from a list of sites. For example, if you are looking for information from Office of Youth Services, select the check box besides Office of Youth Services link, type in your search word or phrase and click on "Go". You can select multiple sites at a time for your search.

Searching by State

This search page allows you to focus your search by State. Put your selection criteria in the search text box and select a single state or multiple states by clicking in the checkbox and click "Go". The search result page will display all the documents related to the selected states in the the order of relevance and creation date. The header will show the state name(s) and count of doucments matched. CAUTION: If many states are selected the results could be enormous. Another way to use this page if searching by multiple states is as follows: Initially search the information by the most important state and then expand the search. For example, you want to get the information about job corps center in many states. Type “job corps center” in search box and select Delaware. The list of the result page in Delaware returns. The title of the second result page in the list is Delaware Job Corps Centers. Click on Similar Pages link at this results page and get more result pages in other states.

Searching by Region

To facilitate the user to find information in a particular Department of Labor region we have added search by region. There are six regions.
  • Region 1 - Boston
  • Region 2 - Philadelphia
  • Region 3 - Atlanta
  • Region 4 - Dallas
  • Region 5 - Chicago
  • Region 6 - San Francisco
The states that fall under the region are displayed for convenience. Insert your search criteria in the text box select the region and click "Go". The search will include urls found for all the states included in the selected region in the order of relevance (most searched pages) and creation date.

Searching by Advisories

This search page allows you to focus your search by advisories. This page also has a link to Advisories and Memorandum screen. Put your selection criteria in the search text box and select a single advisory or multiple by clicking in the checkbox and click "Go". The search result page will display all the documents related to the selected advisory(ies). The search result page allows you to narrow down your search by particular type of document. The result can be sorted by 3 types of documents, namely PDF documents, HTML list documents and HTML documents.

IDOL Search
Department of Labor Website Search
Search DOL Website: allows you to search through all the Department of Labor publications that are currently available electronically.
Created: October 23, 2006
Updated: March 28, 2008