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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Planning and Development Fee Schedule

Revisions Effective July 1, 2003. NOTE: Fees listed are for one action, appeal, permit, etc.
Download Fee Schedule [pdf, 12k]

Plan Amendments (EPC)


Advertisement for Public Notification


Advertisement for Public Notification for Appeal of Action


Appeal of Action


Deferrals Requested by Applicant


Amendment to Area Plan


Amendment to Comprehensive Plan


Amendment to Facility Plan


Amendment to Sector Development Plan
(Approval by EPC/City Council at same time of zone map amendment)


Amendment to Sector Development Plan
(Approval by EPC/City Council prior to zone map amendment)

Site Development Plans (EPC & DRB)


Advertisement for Public Notification


Advertisement for Public Notification for Appeal of Action


Appeal of Action


Deferrals Requested by Applicant


Administrative Amendment Approval


Amendment requiring interdepartmental review and public hearing


Approval of Site Plan (no charge for DRB signoff of EPC delegated Site Plan only)


Extension or Amendment (No Public Notificationof Site Plan

Zone Map Amendment (EPC)


Advertisement for Public Notification


Advertisement for Public Notification for Appeal of EPC Action


Appeal of EPC Action


Deferral Requested by Applicant

$240+ $55/acre

Map Amendment 1 - 10 acres (a)

$685+ $10/acre

Map Amendment Over ten acres (b)

25% of the above

Overlay Zone

No fee

Establishment of Zoning Upon Annexation


Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments

Subdivision Ordinance (DRB)


Advertisement for Public Notification


Advertisement for Public Notification for Appeal of Action


Appeal of Action


Deferrals Requested by Applicant (on public hearing case)


Bulk Land Variance

$565 +$15/parcel and $95 per proposed intersection of Public Streets; Maximum fee $3500

Major Subdivision Plat

$145 + $70/lot

Minor Subdivision Plat

$145 + $95 per existing public street intersection

Street Name Change


Subdivision Ordinance Text Amendment


Vacation of Rights of Way or Easement (Public or Private)

$300 per each contiguous Road Easement ROW

Contiguous area when action alters Public ROW

$45 per each contiguous Public or Private easement where no Public Road is included

Contiguous area where no Public ROW is included

Landmarks and Urban Conservation Commission (LUCC)


Advertisement for Public Notification - (LUCC Application)


Advertisement for Public Notification Appeal of LUCC Action


Appeal of LUCC Actions


Deferrals Requested by Applicant


COA - Any exterior alterations, new construction, or demolition where permits are required for LUCC


COA - Change to exterior where not building permit required and building is on Nat'l Register or is a Landmark


COA - Change to interior which is of significance and building is a Landmark


Landmark Status (designation or rescission)


COA - Staff decision on minor exterior alterations to properties

Special Exceptions (ZHE /BoA)


Advertisement for Public Notification - (ZHE Application)


Advertisement for Public Notification for Appeal of BoA action to City Council


Appeal to City Council or Board of Appeals of Action


Deferrals Requested by Applicant


S.E. - Conditional Use


S.E. - Non-conforming Use Expansion


S.E. - Variances

Zoning Enforcement

$55 (initial) $35 (annual)

Community Residential Program Initial Fees & Review Fees (Annual)

$55 (initial) $35 (annual)

Emergency Shelter Initial Fees & Annual Review


Liquor Certifications


Methadone Center Review

$35 - $145

Outdoor Seating Review

$25 (LT 4000 GSF) $45 (GT 4000 GSF)

Plan Check Fees - Less than 4000 GSF & Greater than 4000 GSF


Public Dance Review

$70+$0.70 sq ft after 50 sq ft

Sign Permits (1)


Tent Permits


Wall/Fence Permits


Zonal Certifications

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