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Mobile Sources Technical Review Subcommittee (MSTRS)
Clean Diesel and Retrofit Working Group

The Clean Diesel and Retrofit Work Group was formed by EPA as a part of the Mobile Source Technical Review Subcommittee (MSTRS) under the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) to obtain advice in four areas:
  1. How to asses fleets to determine diesel emission reduction strategies suitability
  2. Evaluate in-use performance of retrofit technology
  3. Educate the public on emission reduction strategies
  4. How to establish national incentives for cleaner diesel strategies.
Most Recent Work Group Meeting

September 12, 2005
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites, Alexandria
625 First Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Co-chairs of the Clean Diesel and Retrofit Working Group:
Gay MacGregor, US EPA
Tim Johnson, Corning, Inc.

The working groups consist of 30 members and included a balanced representation from State and local agencies, environmental groups, manufacturers, fuel suppliers, lawyers/consultants, scientific/academic institutions and other federal agencies. The working groups meet as necessary to provide input to the MSTRS which meets three times each year. The committee established additional sector-specific working groups to better tailor information to specific industries.

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