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Archive for December, 2007

New in the Lending Library

Wednesday, December 26th, 2007

New professional development opportunities for NN/LM PNR Network members. To borrow, please send email to: To view the entire collection, please see the NN/LM PNR Lending Library web page.

Medical Librarians 2.0 book cover Medical Librarians 2.0: Use of Web 2.0 Technologies in References Services.
Edited by M. Sandra Wood. Haworth Press, 2007.
Teaching Web Search Skills book cover Teaching Web Search Skills: Techniques and Strategies of Top Trainers.
Greg R. Notess, Information Today, 2007.

Oregon Go Local Project

Monday, December 17th, 2007

By Dolores Judkins, Oregon Health & Science University

The OHSU Library has received the official announcement from the National Library of Medicine that Oregon has been accepted by to become a MedlinePlus GoLocal site. Todd Hannon, OHSU Reference Librarian, wrote the proposal for an LSTA grant through the Oregon State Library, and we were notified in October that the proposal was funded. We also received additional funding through the National Library of Medicine. We are very excited that Oregon will be one of the GoLocal states.

GoLocal is a feature of MedlinePlus that enables people to find local resources for health care, beyond the general health information that is available in MedlinePlus. To see what this will mean for Oregon, go to MedlinePlus, look up a condition or disease, and then select a state from the GoLocal link on the right side of the page. If you click on the map at you will see that the northwest does not have other GoLocal state projects, although Montana will be going live soon.

We have had wonderful support from the libraries and groups we worked with in writing the grant, and look forward to working with many of you as the project gets underway. We will be hiring a project director, and the position will be posted soon. If you have questions about this project or would like more information about it, please contact Todd Hannon at 503-494-3474 or

You Asked For It! A New Funding Opportunity for Medical Librarians

Friday, December 14th, 2007

Show your administrators how your library and your librarian skills benefit the hospital! How do you contribute to quality care, patient safety, and the all-important “bottom line”? The NNLM PNR is now accepting applications for a new award, specially designed to assist medical librarians in demonstrating their value and impact.

Rather than “outreach,” these Medical Library Impact Awards might be considered “inreach” since they address health information problems and priorities within member institutions. Award funds (maximum of $5,000) might be used to support a study of the contribution of library services to the IRS-mandated community benefit standard, to showcase the librarian as leader of an interdepartmental team working on electronic medical records and linking knowledge-based resources, to develop and evaluate an institution-wide marketing campaign, or other projects unique to your institution and community. The librarian must be the project leader and support from administration must be documented.

Applications are due February 15, 2008. Read the full announcement and link to the application form at Contact Cathy Burroughs ( or Linda Milgrom ( if you have any questions.