OPM Logo United States
Office of
Personnel Management

The Federal Government's Human Resources Agency

Retirement and Insurance Service
Benefits Administration Letter

Number: 99-213 Date: August 17, 1999

Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance: Revision of FE-6 DEP (Statement of Claim/Option CFamily Life Insurance)

Date of Revision

The revised form is dated June 1999.

Purpose of Revision

The FE-6 DEP has been updated to include foster children, to include agency certification for foster children and for disabled dependent children over age 22, to reflect 1-5 multiples of Option C, and to reflect No Reduction/Full Reduction for Option C.

How to Order

The revised FE-6 DEP is not available from GSA/FSS or from OPM.

Agency headquarters Insurance Officers must order the form directly from the Office of Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (OFEGLI) by faxing their request (212-578-4491) or mailing their request (OFEGLI, Attn: Forms Ordering Desk, 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166-0188). OFEGLI will not accept telephone orders. There is no charge for this form. Agencies may also get the form from the FEGLI web site (www.opm.gov/insure/life).

Please note that OFEGLI will accept orders only from the headquarters Insurance Officer for each agency. Field offices must go through their headquarters office.

Previous Editions

Previous editions of FE-6 DEP are NOT usable.

Abby L. Block, Chief
Insurance Policy
and Information Division
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Page updated 17 August 1999