OPM Logo United States
Office of
Personnel Management

The Federal Government's Human Resources Agency

Retirement and Insurance Service
Benefits Administration Letter

Number: 99-223 Date: January 28, 2000

In Benefits Administration Letter (BAL) 99-701, issued on September 17, 1999, we announced revision of the FEHB Handbook and it's availability for viewing and downloading on our web site (www.opm.gov/hr/insure/handbook/FEHB00.htm). We also announced the Handbook's availability on CD-ROM.

Several individuals contacted us regarding their difficulties with printing sections of the Handbook from our web site. In response to these concerns, we have now added the Handbook to our web site in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Adobe Acrobat creates documents that look the same on the screen as they do on paper. You will now be able to easily download and print a single page or an entire chapter of the Handbook.

You can view and/or print Acrobat PDF ("Portable Document Format") files even if you do not own a copy of the software which created it by using the Acrobat Reader. The Acrobat Reader software is free and may be downloaded from the Adobe web page (www.adobe.com).

Abby L. Block, Chief
Insurance Policy
   and Information Division
Download Letter as PDF File: Adobe Acrobat PDF File

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Page created 31 January 2000