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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Development Process Manual

The Development Process Manual Leaving, click for disclaimer (DPM) responds to the mutual needs of the private and public sectors in Albuquerque to clarify the development process of the City. There are three sources for this process:

  • Adopted City plans, particularly the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan, are the foundation or guide for City-initiated development as well as regulations for private development. Plans are available from the Planning Department. They are not part of the DPM.
  • Legislation regulating development is published in the compilations of City ordinances, Revised Ordinances of Albuquerque, 1974 (abbreviated as "R.O. 1974"). It is available for sale, copying of pages, or reading at the office of the City Clerk. A few Key ordinances are published separately and sold at the City Treasurer's office. Most important, relevant legislative provisions are reflected in the DPM.
  • When legislative policies are adopted, the legislative body may mandate or allow the public staff involved in carrying out its policies to develop more detailed rules and guidelines for policy implementation. The development of detailed rules and guidelines by public staff is referred to as Administrative Rule making. These rules are the heart of the DPM. They are not always available elsewhere.

The DPM effort began in February 1981, with the establishment of a special team of City staff and Albuquerque Urban Advisory Council members. The document has undergone several revisions since its organization. The DPM is intended for City staff, property owners, developers and their agents, especially planners, architects and engineers. Its general purpose is to carry out the goals and policies of the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan by encouraging high quality, innovative design; variety in choice of neighborhoods and lifestyles; preservation of natural features and resources; and ensuring the health, safety and welfare of the community.

The DPM material was prepared jointly by both the private sector and City staff members. It is expected that the cooperative effort will continue with future reviews.

Because the content of the DPM is not intended to remain static, users of the DPM are encouraged to note errors, omissions, conflicts in the content and suggest modifications or topics to be included in future revisions. Any additions, corrections or clarifications which require immediate action will be issued as addendum or errata sheets to purchasers of the DPM who automatically will be added to the publication list.

What is the Development Process Manual?

The Development Process Manual is a City document which compiles City development processes and procedures into one document. The manual currently includes Volume 1: Procedures and Volume 2: Design Criteria. Both volumes are combined under one cover.

Volume 1 is used when development requires direction for any of the following procedures:

  • Subdivision
  • Site/Landscaping Plan
  • Sector Development Plans
  • Public Infrastructure Improvements
  • Private Infrastructure Improvements
  • Building Permit Process: Pre-Design, Plan Check, Building Permit, Inspection
  • Certificate of Occupancy
  • Other Construction Permits
  • Zone Map Amendment
  • Annexation
  • Special Exception to the Zoning Code
  • Sidewalk Variance
  • Action of Public Right-of-Way, Private Ways and Easements
  • H-1, H-1 Buffer Zone, Land Marked Buildings, Historic and Urban Conservation
  • Overlay Zones and Certificate of Appropriateness
  • Appeals /Fees
  • Amending the Text of Planning Development Related Legislation

Volume 2 is used when a development requires direction for any of the following procedures:

  • Recordable Documents
  • Drainage, Flood Control and Erosion Control
  • Street Design Criteria
  • Sanitary Design Criteria
  • Surveys and Monumentation
  • Drafting/Construction Plans and Standards
  • Impact Fees


List of DP Manual Contacts

  • Water/Sewer - Roger Green, 924-3989
  • Hydrology - Brad Bingham, 924-3986
  • Planning - Sheran Matson, 924-3880
  • Design Review Committee (DRC) - Jane Rael, 924-3992

When is the DP Manual updated?

The DP Manual is updated only when the City Ordinance, Resolution, Policy or Administrative Policy is revised. The Manual is updated through the DP Executive Committee, the Mayor's Promulgation Process and the emergency rule. The user is encouraged to submit suggestions, corrections, or modifications, in writing, at any time. The procedure for DPM update is outlined in the introduction of the DPM. User comments should be directed to: Carmen Marrone, DP Senior Planner at 600 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87103, (505) 924-3814 or or by FAX to (505) 924-3339.

How can I obtain a copy of the DP Manual or specific pages and chapters which have been revised?

To obtain a copy of the DP Manual or to obtain specific chapters or pages, contact American Legal Publishing, at 1-800-445-5588 or visit their website. Leaving, click for disclaimer

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