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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Development Review Board

development review boardThe Development Review Board (DRB) was established in March, 1982, by Administrative Instruction 8-2. The five members of the DRB are City staff representing the City Planner (Planning Director), Parks and Recreation Director, City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, and Water/Sewer Utilities Engineer. The chairperson is the City Planner representative as per the City Subdivision Ordinance. Each member is authorized to sign plats.

The DRB is charged with administering the City Subdivision Ordinance as well as other City ordinances and policies applicable to subdivision actions. The Board conducts public hearings on major subdivision actions (where no re-zoning or annexation is required), approves or denies proposed major and minor subdivision actions, vacations of public rights of way or public and private easements, subdivision variances. DRB also reviews site development plans delegated by the Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) for final sign off, as well as site development plans required by sector plans and delegated to the DRB.

DRB Members

  • Jack Cloud, AICP, Chairman, Planning Department
  • Kristal Metro, P.E., Transportation Development, Planning Department
  • Brad Bingham, P.E., Hydrology/Alternate City Engineer, Planning Department
  • Roger Green, P.E., Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority
  • Christina Sandoval, Parks, Municipal Development Department

Agendas and Actions

DRB meetings, a portion of which are public hearings, are held each Wednesday beginning at 9 a.m. in the Plaza del Sol Hearing Room at 600 Second Street NW. The public hearing portion of each week's agenda is announced in the Albuquerque Journal. See Agendas/Actions for a record of Development Review Board meetings, or download the 2008 Application and Hearing schedules for major (advertised) or minor (unadvertised) cases.

Questions or comments?

Contact: Angela Gomez, Administrative Assistant, 924-3946.

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