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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Technical Standards Committee

The Technical Standards Committee was created by the City's Drainage Ordinance to hear appeals from applicants aggrieved by any decision of the City Engineer under this ordinance. This committee consists of five members who are appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. Four of these members must be registered professional engineers in this state, be competent in the science of surface water hydrology, and have experience in solving surface drainage problems. A quorum shall consist of three members. The committee shall hear and determine all appeals as provided for in the following sections of the City's Drainage Ordinance: §§ 14-5-2-6, 14-5-2-12 and 14-5-2-13.

Technical Standards Committee members:

  • Christopher Weiss, PE
  • Kent Freier, PE
  • Bruce Thomson, PE
  • Rick Beltramo, PE
  • Patrick J. Conley, PE

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