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Archive for the ‘News From the RML’ Category

Close Encounters With MedlinePlus of the Personal Kind - The Rest of the Story

Thursday, July 31st, 2008

by Gail Kouame

Several weeks ago I posted a story about my experiences with the surgery videos on, the National Library of Medicine’s consumer health portal site. One of my co-workers asked me at that point, “You’re going to write an ‘after’ story, aren’t you?” To which I said, “Sure!” So, here it is… (more…)

Putting Your Library On the Map

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008

Site visits are one of the most enjoyable parts of my new job as Technology Outreach Coordinator. Thanks to all of you who have welcomed me into your libraries and offices. I have learned a lot from you.

Being new to the Pacific Northwest, I never leave for a trip without first consulting the NN/LM Member Maps to see which Network members I might visit along my route. The Member Maps, powered by Google and mashed up for NN/LM by programmer Aron Beal, are a new feature in our Members Directory. If you, like me, find yourself in a new job in a new place, use Member Maps as a way to identify and get connected with nearby colleagues.


Network Member Makes the News

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

Heidi Sue Adams, librarian at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell, Montana got some great PR from the local newspaper. The Daily Inter Lake, a paper in Kalispell, featured an article about Heidi Sue on June 24, 2008. The lengthy article talks about Heidi Sue and all that she does for her hospital’s staff, outreach she does for other health professionals in the region, and health care consumers. It is also a great portrait of a medical librarian. Read the article for yourself.


Congratulations to PNR Awardees and Subcontractors

Friday, July 11th, 2008

On May 1, 2008, the Regional Medical Library for the Pacific Northwest Region began the third year of the 2006-2011 contract.

We’d like to thank all of our outreach partners for their work in carrying out the mission of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine to improve access to high quality health information.

Projects that have received funding since May 1, 2006 are listed below. For more information about these projects, please check the following URL:


Librarians and the EHR: Envisioning the Future

Thursday, July 10th, 2008

Are you curious about how librarians can add value to their institution’s electronic health record system?

Join us on October 3, 2008, for “Librarians and the EHR: Envisioning the future.” This forum will feature keynote speaker Thomas Payne, M.D., Medical Director, UW Medicine Information Technology Services, and panelists Sara Pimental, MLIS, AHIP, Web Content Manager, Kaiser Permanente; Emily Hull, MLS, Associate Director, Clinical Informatics, Group Health Cooperative, Seattle, WA; and Judith Hayes, MALS, Medical Librarian/Library Manager, Tuality Healthcare. Speakers will share their own experiences and focus on a variety of ways that librarians can use their unique skills and knowledge to affect patient care via the electronic health record system.

This forum is a part of the PNC/MLA 2008 Continuing Education Update meeting to be held in Seattle on October 3-4. “Librarians and the EHR” will be held from 8:00 – 1:00 on Friday, October 3 at the Watertown Hotel. The cost is $35 and includes lunch. MLA CE credit has been applied for. Registration will open July 21. Be sure to register early for this exciting opportunity, as space is limited!


Big Changes to PubMed

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Have you noticed PubMed searches are retrieving more citations than you expected? Are stored My NCBI automatic updates including more than they did previously? Have you tried the beta version of Advanced Search in PubMed? NLM has introduced many new features to PubMed in recent weeks!
