
Turabian citation generator

Starting with simple, book references, I hope to provide online forms that will generate the appropriate footnote/endnote and bibliography citations in Turabian format. Then you would just copy-and-paste the results from the web page to your research paper.

The footnote generator for books is now working with the bare essentials: Book title and subtitle, page number(s), author info, and publication info. Stay tuned for the addition of the more detailed info.

This service will be provided free of charge, although I will provide some "sponsor" links in hope of offsetting my time and effort in producing and providing this site.

This site has just started, and is an individual effort, so please be patient

The information used as the basis for this site came from Kate Turabian's book, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 6th ed., which remains the authority on these things. Be sure to double check your work and your use of the generated citations against the book. If you don't already have a copy, click on one of the following links to buy it from right now:

Hardback Paperback In Association with Online Reference Desk

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Privacy policy: This site only collects normal, Internet traffic statistics, and does not collect or require any personal information.

I am NOT Kate Turabian, and have no association with her, the University of Chicago, or any other such organization. This web site is strictly my own, personal effort as an attempt to provide a free service to those who struggle with Turabian citations for their term papers.
This site produces Turabian-style citations based upon information that YOU enter. Because both you and I are human, no guarantees are stated or implied as to the accuracy of the generated citations. Always double-check your work.

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