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Census Bureau Tip Sheet

A product of the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Information Office

March 7, 2003 TP03-05




Married-Couple and Unmarried-Partner Households: 2000 — Report and supplementary Internet tables show numbers of married-couple households in 2000, as well as unmarried-partner households consisting of partners of opposite sexes and partners of the same sex. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 23.)

Gross Migration Summary — Internet file with counts of people 5 years old and over, nonmovers and movers by geographic area (United States, regions, states, counties and minor civil divisions in New England, and individual metropolitan areas); the numbers of in- and out-migrants from the same or different geographic area, as well as domestic net migration and the number of people living abroad five years ago. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of  March 23.)


The Foreign-Born Population in the United States, March 2002 — Annual report and 60 tables show foreign-born population by nativity, citizenship status, year of entry into the United States and region of birth. (Scheduled for release March 10).

Consumer Expenditure Survey Data Collection: April 2003 — Data about how much Americans spend on groceries, clothing, health care and housing will be collected in April from a sample of randomly selected households across the country for the Consumer Expenditure Survey. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 9.)

Educational Attainment in the United States, March 2001 and March 2002 —Two packages of 16 tables each on educational attainment trends at the national, state and large metropolitan-area levels. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 16.)

County Population Estimates and Rankings: 2002 — Internet tables showing July 1, 2002, population estimates, rankings and components of change for the nation's 3,141 counties. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 16.)

Women and Men in the United States: March 2002 — Report and tables with national level data from the March 2002 Current Population Survey show comparisons of women and men based on a variety of demographic and socioeconomic measures, such as age, marital status, educational attainment, occupation, income and poverty status. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 16.)

Supplemental Security Income and its Noninstitutional Recipients: July 1997 and 1999 — Information about who receives SSI benefits, how much they receive and other demographic characteristics. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 16.)


2001 Public Education Finances — Internet tables with revenues, expenditures, debt and financial assets for individual, public elementary and secondary school systems. Also, state rankings of revenues and expenditures per pupil. (Scheduled for release March 11.)

2001 County Business Patterns — Data for states and counties on business establishments, employment and payroll broken down by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) for major economic areas, such as construction, manufacturing, retail trade, services and wholesale trade. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 30.)



Women's History Month Feature — Available on March 11, 2003. This broadcast video news release highlights the Census Bureau's demographic and economic data about women in the United States. The news package is available in both English and Spanish. TRT 1:30, English VNR Project #V03-037, Spanish VNR Project #V03-041.

Recently Released



Census 2000 County-to-County Worker Flow — 3/06/03 — These files, compiled from responses to long-form questions on where people worked in 2000, allow users to sort for the county of residence or the county of work. Internet address: <>.

American Samoa Summary File (ASSF) — 2/28/03 — Census 2000 data on demographic and socioeconomic characteristics down to the block, block group and census tract levels. The ASSF contains a total of 397 tables (248 population and 149 housing). Internet address: <>.

Summary Tables on Language Use and English Ability: 2000 (PHC-T-20) — 2/25/03 — Based on Summary File 3, these six tables provide state-level summary tabulations on language use, ability to speak English, linguistic isolation crossed by age (5 and over, 5 to 17, 18 and over); language use and ability by four language groups; detailed listing of languages spoken at home; and language use and ability by nativity. Internet address: <>.


Census Bureau Facts for Features: St. Patrick's Day — 03/03/03 — Statistical information from the Census Bureau's demographic and economic subject areas pertaining to St. Patrick's Day 2003. Similar Facts for Features commemorate other events and holidays throughout the year. Internet address: <>.


No releases


Multimedia Page

Women's History Month — In addition to our regular offerings, we provide a special digital media page to help commemorate Women's History Month during March. Click on the Women's History Month icon at <> for the following digital media elements:

  • Downloadable still photos illustrating the historical and contemporary contributions of American women;
  • Facts for Features radio sound bites with up-to-date statistics about women from the Census Bureau's demographic subject areas;
  • Women's History Month Video News Release — Online ordering and broadcast feed information for a feature news package in English and Spanish. Feed date is March 11, 2003.


The Profile America CD for March is in distribution. This series of 60-second features, one for each day of the month, is heard on more than 500 stations across the country. Each feature is keyed to an event whose anniversary or observance is celebrated on the air date. March's Profile America covers such items as the nation's first African-American newspaper, Saint Patrick's Day and the invention of the eraser-tipped pencil. A companion program Al Dia is produced for Spanish-format stations. Copies of both programs may be obtained by calling (301) 763-2806 or e-mailing your request to <>.

Audio and text — suitable for print features — for both Profile America and Al Dia are also available on the Internet at <>.


Besides the Women's History Month VNR, the Video Zone's Web pages include previews of briefing videos and B-roll for broadcasters.

For more information, call (301) 763-3045 or e-mail <>. To sample our video products, click on Radio/TV/Photos on the Census Bureau's Web site <>.


Women's History Month honors the countless contributions made by American women throughout our history. Currently 164,000 women serve in the U.S. armed forces. For more information, check out our newest Featured Photos of the Month at <>.

Our photo collections, with easy-to-follow downloading instructions, are available online. Visit "The Photo Zone" at <>. For additional information, call (301) 763-2814 or e-mail <>.



For a complete listing of news releases, radio transcripts and the contents of the Public Information Office's Internet page, call our 24-hour Fax-on-Demand number on (888) 206-6463. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau's Public Information Office: telephone (301) 763-3030; fax (301) 457-3670; or e-mail <>.
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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: August 09, 2007